
Please feel free to browse these online courses below which have helped so many create the life they want!

But as well be sure to check out the free MP3 program above.

I highly suggest this safe and secure download for bringing forth your best.


Dear Friends,

For those of you who don’t know my story, I’ve always had a keen interest for the metaphysical.

Sure, and this spiritual aspect we all possess can help us lead better lives.

Many people have messaged me for ways to open their minds and heal while creating the life they want, and is why I have started this self-help store here at my website.

My book series is on the rise and I continue to write daily and speak when I can; talk to people and host workshops everywhere while also speaking at conferences.

A Healing Manifesto

The Master of Everything is the pilot of the ever-developing series. It’s A Story of Mankind and the World of Illusion We Call Life.

This healing manifesto leads us out of our own self-made prison cell and experiencing ultimate freedom.

With humor, humility,, and wisdom, The Master of Everything is rewarding in its own right.

It is a spiritual declaration of a new meaning for forgiveness and living life without regrets.



From here the sequel was born, Mastering Your Own Spiritual Freedom: Lessons from A Course in Miracles.

The passion and purpose behind this book continues the freedom journey.

Reaching Full Potential

This volume is also down-to earth, accessible, illustrating more of my time and experiences behind prison walls.

For example, feeling a oneness with these words as I do without confusion whatsoever.

It’s concern is reaching illumination thus finding in your heart the true free will that has been waiting for you, mastery accomplished.



From there it didn’t take long for an inner urging to begin the third book of the series titled, And Then I knew My Abundance.

This is for everyone who seeks something stable and how to begin reaching within without fear and doubt.

The volume deeply addresses why at times we feel surely lost in a strange and fearful land, and seemingly not at home.

When we least expect it…

Here’s where we search through fog for what we cannot seem to find.

Readers learn to end the striving and find lasting peace just as though we had returned to our happier childhood memories.

It’s agenda is letting go and cutting through the fog as you look beyond it.


I believe what I suggest to you here on this page, depending on your situation, will help tremendously or at least point you in the right direction.

Certainly I feel great in this opportunity to extend further my ideas for a better life.


Be open to making your dreams a reality…

I mean with frank descriptions of what I’d spent years each day writing about, and still do: the nature of real forgiveness to grant true freedom.

All my best,

James Nussbaumer

PS. Please keep in mind that I’ll be constantly offering even newer suggestions as I feel appropriate for how these programs and online courses may help my friends.


In the next section be sure to consider related helpful personal development courses and strategies I recommend and support:



If you’ve ever thought: “Why them…and not me?!”

The Counter-intuitive Secret to Manifestation

And I do mean, everything;

● The money. 

● The freedom.

 ● The empowerment.

You don’t need to “learn how to manifest” it; any of it…

You’ll learn how to make your dreams a reality to call your own!



Is your spouse leaving you?”

“You can save your marriage, and it will be worth it.”

You CAN save your marriage — even if your spouse says that they want a divorce.

You CAN rebuild that passion you felt for one another when you first kissed.

And you can bring back that love and devotion you felt for one another when both of you said, “I love you” for the first time.



Weight-loss, even a little, can significantly enhance your self-confidence…

If you dislike looking at yourself in the mirror every morning because of being overweight, it might be time to think about getting serious and begin a prove weight-loss plan.

and the way that you see yourself in addition to the way you think that others see you.






Much Less Expensive and better solution to western medicine.

When I first heard about it, I had excruciating pain in my
lower back, and was popping enough pain killers to kill a

But I was desperate.

(Really desperate)

So when a friend suggested I met his “Healer”, my eyes
rolled back in my head, but I still went along.

A journey which could change your life



What if God gave you the secret to creating whatever you want in life?

Do you want to attract the perfect romantic partner?

Someone who’ll love you unconditionally and stay by your side forever?

Do you want to attract unlimited financial abundance and wealth?

The kind of money that makes debt, bills, and worries just disappear, forever?

Do you want to understand yourself…and potentially fix the things you’re not proud of…in an instant?




What to do to stop blocking success

Big reason why your life may have gone off track (Shocking and Fascinating)

Ever wonder why some people naturally attract massive success while the rest of us struggle our entire lives?

It turns out it all comes down to a simple secret called Personal Magnetism.

You can use it to boost your inner confidence and gain more and better friendships in virtually any social setting because it is that powerful and universal…



Teach Your Child to Read and Enjoy it Today!

Give Your Child the Most Important Skill in Life – Reading.

How to Teach a 2 or 3 Year Old to Read.

Reading is one of the most important skills one must master to succeed in life.

It helps your child succeed in school, helps them build self-confidence, and helps to motivate your child.



Stuck in the Whirlpool of Mainstream Diets?


Get A Secret Weapon in the “Battle of the Bulge”

Sadly, the people who do succeed in losing weight usually regain everything within a year or so.

It can be truly disheartening, all these soldiers pushing the front line forward only to regress soon after.

Fortunately, The Ketosis KETO Diet is different: it’s real, it’s proven and safe, and the results are PERMANENT.

(No nonsense or grueling workouts required.)



Is your sleep sabotaging your success in any area of your life?

“Why Sleep Is Ruining Your Relationship”

This could be the reason why you’re not losing weight

Do you ever lie awake in bed trying to switch off your brain to go to sleep

…but find your mind flooded with problems, worries, and pressures of all the stuff you need to get done?

Interestingly, new research shows there is a high chance it is sabotaging your ability to experience the success and prosperity you desire and deserve.



Next time your man shuts you out do this…

Men secretly crave this 1 thing more than anything else (and it’s not what you think)

If you’ve ever experienced the pain of an emotionally dead relationship…

or if you’ve ever had a man suddenly pull away and shut you out…

Then what you’re about to find out will completely change the way men treat you and even how YOU experience relationships.



Create a NEW future with this…

Truth behind the myth

“Study the past if you would define the future.”
― Confucius

Makes sense doesn’t it?

To learn from our past, reflect and improve upon it!

The human race has always been moving forward based upon this one simple reasoning.

So imagine if we could actually learn from the men who were the most successful on earth.



How To Live Forever – Almost


It would be great, wouldn’t it? Being able to live forever?

Knowing that no matter how long it takes for the next greatest discovery to be made by mankind… 

you’d be around to experience the wonder of it?

Suppose for example you’d been born just 150 years ago. What do you think the high points of your life might be?



Transform everything with this… Some say that…

The rich have been keeping this from you..

If you’ve been struggling to get ahead at work, financially — or practically anywhere in your life (and failed)…

Then [you need to see the video] that not only reveals not your fault…

But blows the lid off a secret until now jealously guarded by the world’s elite “one percent.”

Hint: It has nothing to do with “smart drugs” or anything else you might have seen or heard about on the news. Nobody, and I mean nobody is talking about this…



Get paid hundreds for your voice (So many people everywhere are doing it…)

In the presentation you’ll discover a simple work from home loophole that helped a mom of two kids, $11K in debt, make over $4,522 in a matter of weeks…

But that wasn’t the most amazing part…

Within a couple of months, she was able to build a 6 figure business doing this.

That story of hers actually made the rounds of social media because she was doing ALL THIS …

… Inside the comfort of her own home while taking care of her two kids.

Now, I know her success story seems unreal, but let me warn you that it is for real!