Balancing Work and Home to Keep Career and Family a Sacred Place

Sometimes it is cloudy with storms and other times it’s sunny and happy; so are you balancing work and home? Most people comprehend how difficult it can be to stabilize their work and house lives. Sure, once they get married and have kids and so much more, things can get crazy. Somehow it seems that […]

Fear Nothing for Happiness while Letting Go of Unnecessary Worry

Oh my, let’s come to the Truth in your heart about the life you want and to fear nothing for happiness.   Fear Not! Modern psychology today seems to recommend that coping with worries is normal. Some popular phrases are, “Accepting your worries”, “Managing your worries”, “Embracing your worries”, or, “Coping with your fears.” However our […]

How to Save a Marriage Now and Stop the Divorce with Couples Therapy

Let’s look at how to save a marriage even after many years together when things may have gone astray. Even after couple of years of marriage some disputes in between the couples may occur. Sure, and married life may end up being stressful. How will you familiarize that your marital relationship remains in crisis? There […]

Having Excellent Health Now: The Few Easy Keys for Vibrant Well-Being

I always like to discuss the few easy keys to having excellent health and overall-well-being. Your healthy operating body is the most important material asset you have. It’s the first thing of worth given to you when you enter this world. Likewise, you owe it to yourself to value it and increase its operating value. […]

What Ruins a Marriage other than Selfishness in a Materialistic World

Let’s talk about what ruins a marriage terribly when the couple may lose control of their lives. Many marriages and dating relationships stop working years prior to the love in the hearts of the couples.  I am saying that the direct exposure to a value system that promotes the acquisition of material belongings. Sure, materialistic […]

Life Enhancement through Meditation as a Sense of Relief for Fulfillment

Yes, personal life enhancement through meditation and mindfulness techniques just might be what you’re looking for. Whatever you find must make you feel excellent about you. What you find should be made use of in your journey to spirituality, helping you to establish and grow in your individuality. We all understand that prayers are powerful […]