Ever think deeply over being confused about who I am, like, “Am I actually living beyond the body,” or yet ask yourself the aged old question, “What or who am I?”
When you ask yourself about living beyond your body, you possibly feel uncertain, but on the other hand feel a tiny spark of light ready to ignite within that knows the real you.
This Podcast below is about, yes, the real You, Who is, ‘not confused about who I am,’ and that you are more than just your body.
I hope you sit back and listen with inner-peace, contemplate, and locate your higher-self!
Only the Concrete can be Confused about Life
Getting beyond ego-based concrete beliefs is how successful people grow and is of the habits of highly effective individuals, and the world’s most influential who ever lived.
Today’s Better Life Podcast is about how to get beyond the idea that turned into an ego-based thought of, confused about who I am, and rather to act like a success and think like a success from your heart.
Would it not start the process of getting over being lost and confused in life?

Here’s the free Breakthrough Kit for Miracle Manifesting and to get the life you Want
It’s why, if you have not already, I suggest you learn how to do mindfulness meditation.
When you believe in your body as your domain, the body itself becomes the sacrifice, because of these concrete beliefs determining what is real and what is unreal.
It’s the ego’s hold on the body that has you, feeling lost and confused, yes, confused about life, feeling lost from the real world, and, also, perhaps, feeling confused in a relationship.
All of this leads to being more confused about who I am.
Ask yourself this question pertaining to living beyond your body, seriously:
Where is your confused ego-based concrete way of looking at things going to take you, when your body makes its last breath and heartbeat?
That’s why this Better Life Podcast, and brief article, is about not being afraid to look within, like the Course in Miracles teaches.
It’s about being part of love, the abstract that is not concrete, that is never confusing and only simply knows.
The Course in Miracles states, “Love is not learned. It’s meaning lies within itself.
(Here’s a related article I recommend on why and how the power of the mind and thoughts ridding self-limiting beliefs will lead you to success.)
To accepting the real world,
James Nussbaumer
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