Real Love in a Relationship and the Reality Behind your Love

So, what is real love in a relationship and its meaning to you?

If we accept the idea of the Whole Child of God as truly whole, then we certainly understand real love. I mean, as well, we can’t pick and choose the parts we wish to love.

This attempt to tear apart our natural wholeness is what projects guilt.

It’s this wishing of fantasy that plagues guilt in ourselves and carries over to our relationships, especially in those relationships where sex is involved and intimate feelings shared will guilt pile on when feelings are mixed.

During the act of sex, we are extremely close to this wholeness of mind, but upon its completion we run away from it.

We judge and label what we like and dislike about our partner, and try to change what it is we dislike. We wish to make our partner perfect.

This makes it difficult to realize truth in the relationship as a whole, keeping it unreal where real love remains hidden, “under the covers.”

A Course in Miracles sheds light by teaching us this spiritual principle:

  • “If you seek to separate out certain aspects of the Totality and look to them to meet imagined needs, you are attempting to use separation to save you. How, then, could guilt not enter?”

Our thoughts of being separate from our Source are nesting places for guilt, which are the grounds for lonely feelings.

You see yourself in fear of your oneness with the individualized Self of the Whole Child of God; Christ is the Child of God.

This is what had transcended at the Last Supper, a lesson revealing everyone as the Christ Mind and not limited to a particular person, man or woman, yet beyond all form.

You may think it’s too much to accept. It certainly is, as far as your ego is concerned.

However, let’s take a look at Jesus, our elder brother who leads the way in the Awakening process, where the Whole Child of God is realized.

Jesus entered the dream as a man who walked this earth and was able to reveal this oneness and extend himself beyond the dream of form and images being projected.

Jesus was not a magical man, but was totally aware of his wholeness. He sensed his miracle-minded wholeness as the Self of God, and he passed this along to others in a way they could understand at that time, where the power of reflection was not as bright as it is today.

After the crucifixion, the ego-based mind projected many fragmented and mounting interpretations.

This is the mountain He meant by where Christ, not a human body, will arrive on top of showing humanity the path to the kingdom.

The ego-based mind will have then been obliterated and where real love is uncovered.

Christ is our reality, and is not lonely, especially when you can glimpse this sameness or likeness in others you come to know.

But Jesus didn’t deny this as we often do; instead, he accepted it and asked us to follow his same thoughts as a model.

Think of what will transcend in this world when we all eventually are able to see and live by these modeled thoughts, not only in ourselves, but in our love partner, too.

Remember, Jesus was able to be aware of both his true reality and the dream of separated thought.

He had knowledge of projected images of guilt for the illusions they are. And then he truly lived in the instant of reality.

(I also suggest another article about: Ultimately you can rely on your inner power to resolve your problems when you feel a need to think things over when no one is listening.)

True Relationship Meaning with Reflections from Your Inner Most Core

Likewise, the brushstroke of DaVinci’s gentle touch on Mary Magdalene’s soulful eyes in the Last Supper is not separate from his Source.

DaVinci reflects from the Christ Mind in himself the message that love is one and cannot be separate.

If love and truth are one, we simply cannot love only parts of reality when reality is love and truth, one in the same. If we were to love opposite of Truth, which would be unlike to our Source, how can love be real?

To “separate away” is to make special. To the ego-mind being special has always been considered a good thing.

We love our offspring; we love our parents because we are of them. But why do we think we love our special relationships?

If it is separated out from our reality, opposite to truth, and we choose to see it as special, then how can it be real?

To believe that a special relationship can save you with special love is the belief that your separated thoughts are what save you.

In believing this way, you are deciding that special aspects of the whole Whole Child of God can give you more than others.

The Whole Child of God is one in real love.

Yes, the whole sum of creation less ego-based thought, therefore it is not special.

To believe it is special is your failure to accept this reality and is why you feel the way you do when you give yourself to another and later admit to yourself that “your guard was down.”

Maybe it was in a sexual encounter where you were wishing it would later lead and turn into something loving.

Or, maybe some defensive play in questioning thoughts about your partner, like his or her ulterior motives, if any at all, has your feelings filled with doubt.

Your past will convince you those “must be” ulterior motives.

Because of this mountain we’ve made of separated thoughts, all of our special relationships have notions of fear in them.

This is why they are so back and forth in our feelings about the relationship being true.

The special love relationship is not based on changeless love, and can’t be forced to be so, which we often do. Any place there is fear, love cannot be depended on, because the fear keeps it from being perfect.

Love can only be perfect and there is no other.

How many times have you heard it said and may have agreed with, that “There is no such thing as a perfect relationship?”

Thereby, because of these past lessons we accept that separated thought process as “wisdom through experience,” and then proceed accordingly into a relationship with the prepared notion that we shall have to “work at it.”

However, you will begin learning that the Holy Spirit has a function as the Interpreter of what you, along with your ego, have made.

The Holy Spirit will use your special relationships which you have chosen, for whatever reason of support your ego needs, as learning experiences that will guide you as well as your partner to the truth about your role in the Whole Child of God.

This is why real love in a relationship and in every relationship becomes a lesson in love.

(Here’s another related article for help if ending a relationship and if you’re concerned about ever to find love of your life that will last.)

Yes, all about the love relationship being true.

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