Sure Signs My Spouse Is Seeing Someone Else and What to do Next

If you’re seeing specific indications your spouse is having an affair this is to help you see that sometimes continuing to be in love,,, oh yes,,, is more challenging than suddenly dropping head-over-heals in love. However as always do not hesitate to leave me comments about things like infidelity in marriage, or recovery the partnership. Allow […]

Signs My Spouse Is Seeing Someone Else and What to do Next

I’ve been getting many messages about what to do when, signs my spouse is seeing someone else. But as always feel free to leave me comments about things like infidelity in marriage, or healing the relationship. So let me ask you something about how you truly feel about this love relationship. Have you ever before […]

Is it Time for a Divorce Now or for Fixing a Broken Relationship?

Indecisively if you’re thinking relationship healing, or is it time for a divorce, one of the partners, perhaps the one with a lower pain threshold, decides that she just can’t live with the marriage any longer. Perhaps she’s “notwithstanding all the loss and dislocation of divorce,” decides that it would be better than continuing the marriage. […]