Be True to Who You Are to Rid Feeling Worthless and Depressed

When you can’t be true to who you are, often feeling worthless or feeling depressed is a result. As tough as it might appear in the beginning, go ahead and have the nerve to approve yourself as truly who you are, and not as somebody else believes you need to be. Do not act or pretend to be another person for getting approval.

In book 1 of the series readers learn that…To be real on your own without approval from the outside world indicates your wanting to be true to who you are.

Equally you may not like anybody else till you can get over feeling worthless and rather just simply being true to your heart. Begin right now without hesitation to be true to who you are!

(Here’s a related article on overcoming working from home loneliness and dealing with work related depression.) 

As you read this article and begin contemplating its message about the power of your mind, a foundation will begin being built on rock to replace the one your ego—that ever doubting and fearful aspect in us all, has built on sand. 

(Here’s suggestions for how to live with depression while reducing anxiety for a happy life.) 

A Course in Miracles states, “When we look at the ego, then, we are not considering dynamics but illusions.”

The ego

Remember, the illusory and unstable ego in you is what brings on feeling worthless or feeling depressed, because what is unreal surely can’t feel any true worth or value at all.

But the solid as rock part of you will easily come forward in your mind to the concepts described so you may begin to be true to who you are.

This is when miracles begin showing up.

For now, consider this: Think of a Divine word that represents your belief system, and take away the manmade letters of the word, leaving only empty space. 

How, then, do you understand or communicate the word?  What is its meaning to you?  Can you be true to who you are?

Naming Things

A Divine word or name, such as God, was given to us by man.  Since God did not create the alphabet or assign itself this name, this word that describes your creation does indeed exist without letters. 

It is the One Identity that is never feeling worthless or feeling depressed and does not have to be spoken or pronounced in order to communicate. 

It is the One Acknowledgment of all that is true, regardless of the appearance or image of letters in any given language. 

But if we must physically express our Creator, it is simply convenient for much of the world to say “God” or another deity name.

(Here’s what to do when looking for peace of mind in daily life so you can get the life you want.) 

Now take a moment and think of all the names the world has given you about many things—not because you think they are real, but only to show the unreality in terms that still have meaning in the world; that the world thinks it rules. 

In other words, think of the words that have meaning without the use of their name. 

For example, can you communicate or relate the meaning of words like Being or Grace or Faith without using their names?  How about without the use of your body?

The Essence of who you are 

Okay, now I can hear some of you saying that I must be “off my rocker.”  But I hope I have you using your mind, your inner divine essence, if you will, where you want to be true to who you are! 

Use these names if you must, but are they truly your reality? 

The Holy SpiritWho is your inner Essence and Guide while in this world, uses all of them, but He doesn’t forget that Creation has only one Name, one meaning, with no letters or space. 

This Name is a Single Source from which all of reality extends, and He is calling on you to awaken to who you are.

A Course in Miracles also states, “You will awaken to your own call, for the Call to awake is within you.”

By all means, go ahead and use all the names the world gives us for your convenience; yet don’t forget they share the Name of this Source along with you—if, that is, we must think in terms of naming things at all.

Here’s a related article on how you can have a whole new mind about you by using the power of your subconscious: 

To who you are,

James Nussbaumer

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Readers will find an easy-to-follow path to healing: reaching illumination thus finding in your heart the free will and purpose that has been waiting for you, mastery accomplished.

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 Here are the first two books of my ever-developing series—reflections of A Course in Miracles:

 Click this image to see what has to say on how this all came to manifest, or see the detailed display at Ozark Mountain Publishing Co.

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