Whole New Mind about You-A Course in Miracles and Power of Subconscious Mind

Through a whole new mind with the power of subconscious, we can truly see why we as physical bodies, cannot truly say that we made a world. 

But we as bodies did make the illusions that have put together this world? 

Yes!  However, the truth in this world and of Heaven and communication with God is beyond having a name tag.

In book 1 of the series readers tell me this made sense that…When we call on another individual, most likely it’s to the body by using his or her given name, and the perceived notions that make the images we place effort into giving that person. 

His or her true identity is hidden and separated by space from our beliefs in this individual. 

And in book 2 the sequel we deeply explore how…The body makes a response based on what we call a person, and his mind consents to the name we assign. 

In this, an individual’s unity is twice denied, because we perceive that individual as separate from ourselves, and he or she accepts this separateness.

(Here’s a related article on how to begin making life changes and striking personal transformation even if you are a procrastinator.) 

A whole new mind is able to go beyond all names the world uses as labels. 

This whole new mind, a society or quantum of minds, we may say, as in power of subconscious mind, can forget what these names represent, forever, and willingly takes on a teaching function. 

A whole new mind understands that we’re all teachers at some level. 

We must use the names assigned by the world while we’re here, as long as we don’t allow them to deceive us. 

These names are merely a means for communication in ways the world may understand, when using the body to communicate. 

A whole new mind realizes it’s understandable that we use some illusion much of the time in order to live in a world of illusion. 

But we must also recognize that the means is not the unity where true and real communication can be found. 

A Course in Miracles states, “The body cannot separate your mind from your brothers unless you wanted it to be a cause of separation and of distance between you and him.”

Real Communication

But the unity of a whole new mind does rest in the fact that we do communicate with one another around the world from our unconscious, and are consciously aware we do so, but may not be consciously aware of the timing of this true and real communication. 

A Course in Miracles further states, “The gap between you and your brother is not one of space between two separate bodies. And this but seems to be dividing off your separate minds.”

Keep in mind that the unconscious I speak of here is the same as the consciousness you are from behind the dream. 

The dream of separation itself, where you see, hear, and touch physical bodies, is the consciousness that is the ego’s domain. 

Just try to understand that unconsciousness in this text does not imply physical sleep or coma.

The timing of the giving and receiving of this type of real communication through a whole new mind is communication with God and is closely monitored by the Holy Spirit—our inner divine Guide while in this world. 

Remember, some within a quantum whole new mind are more receptive than others; and at any given time, your own state of readiness and willingness through a whole new mind may be deeper. 

Here’s a related article on more about the hidden wholeness that is who we are and uncover it so we may shine forward: 

To real communication,

James Nussbaumer

All my best,

James Nussbaumer

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