How to Be an Author-Is the Personal Transformation Experienced for You?

I have discovered why authors down through the years have used writing as a type of personal transformation, or psychotherapy, or a therapeutic resolve for personal healing of the mind, body, and spirit. Many of you have kindly messaged me about how to be an author, and why, I, so much later in my life, chose this exciting path professionally. 

For those of you who are aware of my story, know that I began my writing as a 7 to 8 year old little boy, but never truly pursued writing on a professional level till the age of 50 from a prison cell.

In that darkened period of my life, I discovered that once we begin healing the mind and spirit, the brain and body follow along for the ride and work in harmony more readily.

It certainly will promote personal growth and development while improving your overall well-being and health, as well as strengthened emotional ways for living life in this world.

We may say, perhaps, to a good degree, writing can make you become your own personal transformation coach.

Personal transformation

How to be an author is something you simply just decide to do, and you will find that writing opens up subliminal or inner learning, where you are tapping into the power of your subconscious mind.

You soon greet that place of freedom deep within you that knows, your inner Knower, we may say!

Think about what A Course in Miracles states, “How wonderful it is to do your will. For that is freedom.”

Since one can express his or her thoughts and feelings openly without feeling threatened, one can look deeper at his or her expressions of inner freedom to decide what must be done to correct problems that are holding them back from success.

Many people think of how to be an author and making a living at it, as something that only professional experts do.

The fact is, to learn how to be an author you do not have to be an expert or a professional, and writing from the heart is something for everyone. The technique is widely used by people working toward making personal transformations through self-development.

Personal growth and development

Writing allows one to express personal feelings and thoughts without feeling threatened by external forces.

It marks the way toward personal transformation and self-improvement.

One can improve his or her writing skills, communication, and his or her ability to take charge of their lives and emotions.

When you begin your journey on how to be an author, you will soon note your vocabulary skills opening your mind to new found ideas.

Writing will build self-confidence and worth, and will ultimately help you work through many psychological hurdles you see as problems in your life.

Consider this principle of A Course in Miracles: “Problems are not specific but they take specific forms, and these specific shapes make up the world.”

How to be an author does not require that you be a literary scholar or a journalism expert, or other professional writer. Rather, you just need a little time to make notes and write down your thoughts and feelings and thoughts onto paper, and begin expanding on them.

Once the feelings and thoughts are in writing, you can take a moment or two to analyze what you have written.

We have many ways to improve our all-around livelihood and overall well-being for a better life. One of these ways is taking the first step toward learning how to be an author, through writing from the heart.

Improving your life

If you want to improve your life, thus using natural techniques such as writing is a great opportunity and a wonderful exciting path to travel on.  Probably one of the greatest benefits of all that come from writing however, that is it can promote inner peace and longevity.

Most times people find procrastination causes too many of their problems, and by writing in a journal each day and then analyzing their feelings and thoughts, gets them moving toward their goals and dreams.

Writing becomes a legible form of mindfulness meditation and positive outlook that encourages that entity to work through the self-improvement processes.

Writing will also assist one with cultivating many skills.

As pointed out earlier, one can build effective communication skills since writing will help that one express their emotions without feeling overwhelmed.

Writing can help one build inner value and self-worth, which in turns builds self-confidence. Schools and many others encourage writing, since it has proven to help many people overcome major challenges that held them back from success.

It is time to have that pen flowing ink into a journal or onto a single sheet of paper for starters, if you are ready to make positive transformations in your world that build value and self-worth. You can keep a journal on your computer, if you prefer, where the words may be more legible.

Some people feel less solitude at the computer with the many interruptions that can occur, so if this is you, perhaps the old fashion way is the best solution to work toward a better tomorrow.

(For more on personal transformation I suggest this related article discussing the power of presence to unlock your full potential.)

To being your own personal transformation coach,

James Nussbaumer

PS:  I invite you to sign up for the EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter where we (you the reader, and I, the author) bring our mind together for self-success and a better world.

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(Please note if you’d like a copy of A Course in Miracles hop over to my self-help library page where the Course is made available.)

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