If you feel you are answering to what is my calling, it certainly doesn’t mean you’ll not have crossroads with many speed bumps along the way. An individual who can tap his/her human mind power at the core, will always be told what turn to take, and, in particular and certain ways that serves the world.
Who and what I am today has been sketched in my mind for years, by my own intense listening and following that inner voice responsible for my quest, for, “what is my potential.”
While I was in prison for eight long years, it wasn’t until a woman and her husband, neither of whom I have met, sent me a card with a letter enclosed did I truly begin to answer what is my calling.
Well, what is potential?
I would see the deep and true side of human mind power in all of us helping us answer “what is potential.” The husband is a Protestant minister and pastor of his own church. He didn’t mention the affiliation because he noted to me that it wasn’t necessary.
The couple is from the Gulf Coast area of Louisiana, and this was at the time where the tragic BP oil spill had wiped out the fishing industry throughout that area.
The minister and his wife were heavily involved with people helping people, and in doing all that they could to help the fine folks in that area who suffered loss as a result.
This was the only correspondence I received from them while I was hearing hints from within about “what is my calling.”
The purpose of their kind letter was mostly to let me know I was in their prayers and in the prayers of the members of their church.
Overcoming adversity
The healing we experience on the road to overcoming adversity does bring harmony to the spirit, to our attitude, and in turn increases the love and inner peace we’re willing to extend, even when we’re in a bad situation, like I was, there, in that hostile prison environment.
But yours might be relationship conflict, self-inner conflict with weight loss, or even financial and all those things that we really simply can, if we’re willing and ready, to get a grip on–and not to mention all that goes on around us that bogs us down.
It seems that before our intrinsic yet human mind power is where we struggle for solutions.
But there is the solution to your own inner turmoil, and waits for you in your passion and purpose in life.
Please consider that anything I recommend from my self-help library is intended to help you, no different than the kind minister and his wife. After all, it is about people helping people.
So when I suggest a link it is for you, and I mean for you, so hopefully it helps you along your way. I am for real and I am going nowhere other than living a life of bliss and, so can you too.
A Course in Miracles states, “See him as what he is, that your deliverance may not be long. A senseless wandering, without a purpose and without accomplishment of any kind, is all the other choice can offer you.”
Every day for me was more than a test of my sanity.
But I sensed a belonging to something pure and powerful, and that was answering to me about what is my calling.
It surely kept me motivated in truth.
I was then and still to this day I’m experiencing the wholeness of the Holy Spirit’s healing effects. Yes, I am consciously aware of the separateness within myself healing.
I’m able to count on these effects because the Cause is God.
Listening to your heart
It is real, and being of God, the Holy Spirit is keeping me inspired just as He did while I continued to persevere through all those years in prison.
I would feel a consistency in my mind’s healing process, uncovering what is my calling, especially when I was writing and studying from A Course in Miracles.
The words seem to arrive when I need them the most, and especially while in that volatile and often violent din of the cell block—the best I can explain it, when I was researching any particular area and in that un-resourceful hell on earth, somehow a resource becomes available.
The more I’d write while in there and, still today, the more the inner Voice tells me what is my calling, and that I will be writing for many years to come, perhaps till I can no longer grip a pen or tap on a keyboard.
Just now as I finished writing these last few lines for you, my friend, a humble smile came over me with a message.
It told me to relax in confidence, and to relay that on to you. In these secure sensations I have minimal inner conflict and a joy for persevering.
Here’s a brief related story about why the inner life may be the means for your own perseverance:
To tapping your human mind power,
James Nussbaumer
PS: If you’ve enjoyed this article I invite you to subscribe to my EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter where we (you the reader, and I, the author) bring our mind together for self-success and a better world.
Here are the first two books of my ever-developing series—reflections of A Course in Miracles:
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