I Need a Miracle from God Right Now Answered in an Instant

It surely was an emotional mind-boggling roller coaster ride during those 8 long years I’d spent in prison, often thinking that, I need a miracle from God right now. It was a tough, horrendous ordeal in all sense of the statement. I’d really reached within and set forth on my writing from that very first […]

How to Achieve Financial Freedom by Practicing the Power of Reflection

Of the many personal transformation books about how to achieve financial freedom or becoming financially independent that I have read, I have discovered a typical thread on the basics of money attraction. When you go online and search on the exact same subject, the same ideas will be discovered. Exactly what is the essential structure […]

Building a Better Future for Yourself in 5 Fearless Easy Tasks

The power of choice is something you own. Building a better future is a choice you make, or decide not to make. Either way it’s a choice. We are never totally free unless we take ownership of our choices. It’s of the habits of highly effective people and is how successful people grow. The only […]

For a Better Future and How to Strikingly Improve your Life

For a better future take a panoramic view of your life and ask yourself if this is the quality of life you want to continue living. If you’re kicking yourself as you say that you wish you had “done things differently,” it’s not too late for change and to learn how to improve your life. […]

Golf Mental Game Tips – Improving your Golf Swing

A much better golf swing is certainly achievable…for any golfer, with the ideal golf mental game approach to having success on the golf course. It does not matter age or ability. It’s a truth … and can occur really rapidly! To achieve a better golf swing, a golfer has to recognize golf psychology for getting […]