How to Lose Fat and Lose 10 Pounds Fast Naturally

There’s a fact stating many Humans spend over 80% of their time gaining fat instead of learning how to lose fat by burning it. With the right body-changing strategy, you can lose 10 pounds fast in a simple two weeks.

In the world today, we’ve achieved something incredible by realizing what we’re up against:

It’s killing more people than any other cause of death. One danger still haunts us. Something stuck with us that we can’t fight off.

Virtual freedom from the dangers of predators, I mean nature’s most vicious animals are no match for humans.

Obesity-Related Disease

Here’s a glimpse of how to lose fat and what we humans are suffering from:

My friend told me she was spending hours a day gaining fat, even if she ate 3 meals a day.

She said her daughter was thin, but she was suffering from my weight. Even our children are suffering the consequences.

Either we’re burning fat … or we’re gaining it.

There’s no in-between.

When I was overweight, I thought, “You know, it’s not so bad. I can live with this.”

In that moment, she said her daughter looked up at her with the most terrified expression she’d ever seen.

  • Heart attacks and strokes that immediately end the lives of people we love.
  • Back and joint pain that keep you stuck on the couch and ruins your mood from the moment you get out of bed.
  • Plus diabetes, liver failure, sore muscles, arthritis, and other ailments that cost thousands of dollars in prescription medication every year.

Here’s what my friend went on to tell me and got me seriously thinking:

When I found out that our bodies can only be in one of two states, I was shocked. I knew I couldn’t leave her behind, so I decided to look into the real causes of my weight gain.

Then one day, my chest started to ache, my breathing intensified, and I thought I was having a heart attack.

And many people all over the globe are unknowingly spending 20 hours a day stuck in the fat-gaining mode, especially those that are overweight, and don’t know how to lose fat.

20 hours a day!

I had to find a way to force my body into how to lose fat, or how to lose weight naturally for more than 4 hours a day.

I Would Lose 10 Pounds Fast By Working With Nature, Not Against It

(Here’s more article material about how to lose 10 pounds naturally without any sacrifice.) 

Your body has a natural ability for how to lose weight easily. When asleep, and the only time  actually burning fat … is.

That’s when I realized that no matter how much exercise I did, no matter how healthy I ate, it wouldn’t matter unless I could learn how to lose fat. I needed to plant that thought in my mind.

With the right strategies you can burn a surprising amount of fat in a few short weeks.

A friend introduced me to a new system that works with nature’s big secret to keep my body in fat-burning mode for 12 hours a day or more … and I would lose 10 pounds fast.

What are they?

Well, the plan I made for how to lose fat works in 3 phases, and they’re incredibly easy to follow.

Basically, here’s how it works:

  1. It shifts your body into fat-burning mode for 3 times as long. By multiplying your fat-burning time, you make how to lose fat easy and cancel the need for difficult workouts.
  2. Plus … it showed me how to make my workouts easier and more effective.
  3. I dropped over 1 pound daily, and I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was.

At the end of 2 weeks, I had lost over 8 pounds of fat.

My friends told their friends … who told their friends … and eventually, the secret got out. What really mattered wasn’t how to lose weight easily.

I made a change for my daughter. And yes, I look amazing.

I shared these how to lose weight naturally strategies with some of my friends who wanted to lose 10 pounds fast, and they were also shocked at their results.

Some of them would learn how to lose weight easily and lost more weight than I did … and, yes, they’d lose 10 pounds fast!

I may not be old enough to have grandchildren yet … but I’m no longer worried that I’m going to die before my daughter is ready to have kids.

I couldn’t believe it when complete strangers started emailing me, asking for my how to lose weight naturally diet.

(Note: Here’s access to the bonuses when you use the 2 week diet)

I’m Going to Live to Watch My Grandchildren Grow Up

I kept it up and continued to learn how to lose fat in my mind and that was relayed to my body with instructions to lose 10 pounds fast.

After all, the Course in Miracles states, “It is through us that peace will come. Join me in the idea of peace, for ideas minds can communicate.”

We’ve really connected again, going out to the park and playing games like we used to. I can even go shopping all day long without aches and pains in my back!

I had no idea it was going to become such a big deal! I decided to put together all the information I had on this strategy and put it online.

I was a little overwhelmed, but I ended up with a website and packaged it all up in a nice little e-book.

When people are learning how to lose fat and lose 10 pounds fast, I’m not hearing any complaints!

(Here’s an appropriate related article on improve your immune system and other health issues with new mindfulness reflection technique.)  

To easy weight-loss,

James Nussbaumer

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