Looking for Peace of Mind in Daily Life and Getting the Life You Want

We’re all looking for peace of mind, and to get to that blissful state of mind you must exercise an important power of choice. That means you must continually be letting go of all wrong-minded ego-based thoughts consuming you.

You do so by emptying thoughts of fear, self-doubt, judgement, guilt and the like from your mind, and have peace of mind with favorable and right-minded ideas.

Here’s how to do it, with ease and in peace.



The Course in Miracles teaches that, “The Holy Spirit has given you love’s messengers to send instead of those you trained through fear.”

When looking for peace of mind practice this as typically as necessary—each time you believe you need to.

In fact, make it a routine, like, perhaps, first thing in the morning, which is a great idea.

By repeating this procedure, you are not only looking for peace of mind, but are practicing excellent habits aimed at keeping your mind devoid of wrong-minded thoughts and perceptions.

Here you are bringing positive vibrations to accomplish the task of getting what you want in life.  

For me, when looking for peace of mind, say, perhaps I’m stuck on something that is troubling me, I’ll do a mindfulness meditation.  

I find these words taken from the Course in Miracles workbook to be helpful in breathing meditation, or prayer:

  • I will be quiet and still for an instant and go home. This world I seem to live in is not my real Home.

That’s all it takes, a 3-5 minute meditation exercise, or prayer, and you will find that inner bliss within you that you can call Home.

It’s the peace and tranquility of Heaven.

Gradually take this practice into your day-to-day activities until you get used to it.

You will find everything you do to be right-minded, and in an effortless way when you do.

(Please note, here’s a suggested related article on how to find peace of mind in daily life so you may live life on your terms.) 

To peace in daily life,,

James Nussbaumer

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