Loving You with Your Higher Power Guiding You Along

Do you ever question yourself about truly loving you and your passion.

This love of life is so crucial for all that you do in this world.

For those who believe in God or a higher power, to not like yourself is to not enjoy the extremely source of your presence.

To not trust yourself is to not rely on the source of all life.

Call it what you will, all matter comes from energy and all energy comes from Source.

As we end up being more fully embracing of ourselves, having the intimate relationship that acknowledges the dark and light of who you are, you will bring more love into your life.

Caring is susceptible and the challenge is to be vulnerable to oneself. We’ve all heard adequate criticism and judgement from others throughout our lives about who we are, what we do wrong, and what we do not accomplish.

I also suggest a related article on: Tools to stay inspired and motivated where each success gives your self-confidence the boost it needs to reach higher heights.

You need to have a personal motivation strategy in place.

The Course in Miracles states, “The miracle teaches you that you have chosen guiltlessness, freedom and joy.”

Loving You and Your Passion for Life

If you’ll be that supportive in your expression of love and empathy to another person, why would not you provide yourself the same courtesy?

Owning your power is to not give it up, to not offer it away. Keep working it, keep discovering, keep falling, keep selecting yourself up, keep laughing, and keep going.

Life’s just like that, so find the humor, the happiness, the laughter and state <i>piss-off</i> to failure. When you give up entirely, failure just happens.

Tiredness is something you create through negative attitude and self-criticism. Find energy in your optimism and your thirst for experience and the journey of discovering that life brings to you.

To love yourself is a question of point of view.

It’s all in the vibe baby.

The problem in finding love that is good for you stems from the same difficulty you have loving yourself. For those who believe in God or a greater power, to not like yourself is to not like the really source of your presence.

To not trust yourself is to not rely on the source of all life. Call it what you will, all matter comes from energy and all energy comes from Source.

Keep working it, keep discovering, keep falling, keep picking yourself up, keep laughing, and keep going.

See another related article all about: Personal transformation is never on the outside, but is the kind of lasting change that transforms your life from within.

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