The Voice Within-How to Access your Inner Guide and Overcome Challenges

The voice within, or we may say, your inner Guide, is there if you will listen when no other answer seems to come your way. Ever been in a situation where you desperately needed to overcome challenges that we’re pretty much unbearable?

Perhaps relationship struggles, or you are thinking about being more aligned to a better life; a career change, losing weight and getting in shape, overcoming alcohol and/or other addictions, and perhaps  trying to quit smoking, or anything that seems to be in check with a scarcity mindset.

“What am I gonna do?” you ask yourself over and over.

Trying to be motivated and overcome challenges without inner guidance, can literally drain any inner strength we might have remaining and lead to more emotional and psychological problems.

This is a good time to do nothing but listen to the voice within.

A Course in Miracles states, “There is but one interpretation of motivation that makes any sense. And because it is the Holy Spirit’s judgement it requires no effort at all on your part.”

Scarcity mindset

At about year seven of my ten year prison term over that foolish securities violation, and heavily involved in writing from the principles contained in A Course in Miracles, the State of Ohio, which was holding me as a prisoner in one of its thirty-three teeming prisons, was experiencing the worst financial crisis in the state’s history. 

All departments in the state, including the prison system, were forced to make drastic financial cuts. The prison system was well over budget more than any other department.

Due to the state’s past twenty-five-year “tough on crime” or “lock ’em up and throw away the key” stance, the prison system has become inhumanely and unconscionably, severely overcrowded.  

The prisons were at 138% capacity, and still are to this day and escalating, and are a breeding ground for more than just disease. 

Overcome challenges

Sending a person to prison in Ohio has become big business.  It has become an industry of which the general public is unaware.  The prisons are nothing more than warehouses for more and more bodies than they can now afford to handle. 

Lots of federal dollars are involved, handed to the state to run its prisons, but the system is now far out of control and the funds are not enough for real rehabilitation—nor has rehabilitation ever been the goal or priority of the current “correctional” system.

The state’s legislature had passed a prison reform bill, signed by Governor John Kasich, who at that time I felt truly wanted to do the right thing with sentencing disparity. 

The new reform bill will send fewer people to prison by using alternative rehabilitation measures. 

This new law also suggests a release from prison for many nonviolent crimes, like my own. 

This is great—but the sad but true fact is that it took a lack of money for the politicians and bureaucrats who run the state to finally recognize the problem. 

Their action is not the result of common sense or compassion, but of financial straits.

Holy Spirit

All in all, however, we can look at this as a shift from continuous error over to right-mindedness. 

The right-minded work of the Holy Spirit always prevails.  In this case, can we see how He used the ego and its scarcity mindset in order that many see the light? 

I can remember during that time I’d hear the voice within giving me instructions.

It was the Holy Spirit—that kind whisper in all our minds as a Teacher and Guide, gently telling me to wait, watch, listen, use my real inner vision, and keep on writing.  It’s how to hear God’s Voice.

In a related article you can find out more on the voice within or the stream of consciousness–your inner voice.

Hearing the Voice for God certainly still to this day lightens my load.  It is healing inaction.

To realizing how to hear God’s Voice,

James Nussbaumer

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 Here are the first two books of my ever-developing series—reflections of A Course in Miracles:

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