Begin to Create the Life you Want in this Instant Now from within You

You begin to create the life you want through the power of the universe. This happens for positive right-minded reasons and not by scolding yourself on matters that are out of your control … or negative wrong-minded feelings.

The Course in Miracles teaches, “To not put a crown of thorns on your head and crucify yourself to a cross.”

A few fundamental principles of the power of within you which is the power of attraction can help you on your way.



One of the principles main to the power of this universal Law of Attraction is that the things you think about become reality.

Another fundamental idea to begin to create the life you want is that it is too difficult to monitor every one of some 60,000 ideas you have every day.

(Here’s a related article on when you decide to uncover the doubts about your core beliefs and look deeper within, you may either beat yourself up a bit, or jokingly rib yourself for what a fool you’ve been.)

Sensations are essential for how to live the life you want.

One presumption of users of the Law of Attraction is that life is meant to be satisfying and wondrous.

Lots of people feel that their lives can be no greater than challenging work scenarios, unhappy relationships, poor health, and a mountain of financial obligation.

Unless you alter your attitude about how to begin to create the life you want, you can never understand the abundance you can attain with the power within you.

Here’s a related article on why overcoming negative thinking is so crucial for personal transformation and a positive mind? 

To living the life you want,

James Nussbaumer

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