Dealing With Guilt and Dwelling On The Past

Dealing with guilt surely is in your true power but can lead to times where you become sleep deprived and recall disagreements or relationship struggles, perhaps, with your spouse, children, your boss, or even friends.

Occasionally all of us experience that all-too-familiar wave of panic, and other times a worried headache or a quickly pounding heart; that sensation is occurring from the sense of dealing with guilt and dwelling on the past. 

(By the way, when you are finished studying this post, I feel it appropriate to suggest this related article on a divine answer why power in relationships must be balanced for finding love.) 

Here’s another way of looking at the world and why we humans are such creatures of habit like this:

In book 1 of the series readers find that…As humanity’s first few conscious thoughts, in the symbolic form of Adam and Eve if you’d like, exited paradise, their real Home, while dealing with guilt the first separated minds were hit hard with shame and regret. 

Their guilt-laced thoughts of separating from the Oneness of eternal bliss plagued them. 

But they would never come to accept that it was only an error in thought that ignited the dream of a frightening future, and they continued to search for a way out of the fog. 

Keeping their eye on the future and dwelling on the past, generations to follow in their footsteps would continue to repeat more errors, dealing with guilt, and dwelling on the past, thus making history. 

The errors would consciously, and then religiously, be labeled as sin.

Although merely a separated thought and nothing more, is what makes the dream, the dealing with guilt attached to this error has snowballed to be seen as the mountain of sin on which we live.

A Course in Miracles helps us see that…To this day humanity as a whole still dreams of sin and has failed to realize that through time, our erroneous zone for processing thoughts is being reversed in an ongoing, effortless process by the power of true reality.  This process is our Divinity, slowly helping us to awaken from the dream of sin. 

Being a dream, sin is not real and is the illusion we live by. 

In book 2 we consider…Can it be that our dreamed-up authors of this illusory form of life also developed a thought system to fit the picture?  The projection of sin seems to be the vicious circle by which we live.

For now much of the world sees this as a fearful thought that keeps us frantically searching the drama fear, hate, and war for something “out there” that may save us.  But accepting the error as just that, an error, is all it takes to undo the process of believing in illusion. 

A Course in Miracles states, “Yet only thus can you escape. The home of vengeance is not yours; the place you set aside to house your hate is not a prison, but an illusion of yourself.”

This “undoing” is the reversal necessary so we can comfortably, without pain, awaken to true Reality of inner peace. It’s in our power.

Look at it this way:

Hallucinations fade away when they are faced head on.  All that we project seems to have fear attached to it in some form.  Then we further project a cost of sacrifice in order that we may rid ourselves of the fear.

By going along with this we get nowhere. 

It’s the strangest belief man has ever made in the dream of separate identities. 

We’ve been taught to think that our Source, which I call God, is angry because of our errors, when all along this has been nothing more than a wishful fantasy of the way we look at the world. 

We believe if we focus on our fears long enough, the pain seen as sacrifice and dealing with guilt will eventually reward us with salvation. 

This is why, in order to be looked upon as righteous, we think we need to be considered a “God-fearing” individual.

Here’s a related article on the best way to realize the Power Within—being in charge of your subconscious mind and life dreams:

To letting go of the past,

James Nussbaumer

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 Here are the first two books of my ever-developing series—reflections of A Course in Miracles:

 Click this image to see what has to say on how this all came to manifest, or see the detailed display at Ozark Mountain Publishing Co.

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