Success in the Love Relationship: Pointers for Keeping the Love Alive

Success in the love relationship means keeping the love alive and filled with passion and oneness. I mean, wouldn’t you agree about infatuation staying alive? Staying crazy is harder than falling in love, yet healing can occur. (Har, har) What I mean is maybe you’re seeing signs he or she’s seeing another person. It can […]

Truly Understanding Mind Body and Spirit in Today’s World

Might this help you sort that inner knowing and move forward in life to live your dream? Painful changes we all deal with at times so let’s understand why the power of your real mind in an instant may let go of fear holding you back…  I suggest a great article that so many have […]

Emotionally Dead Relationship: You’re Upset so What do You Do Now?

If you are enduring an emotionally dead relationship in your love life, you are not alone. The miserable marriage and if you’ve ever experienced the pain of an emotionally dead relationship; no sex, no affection, or if you’ve ever had a man suddenly pull away and shut you out. For the guys this related article […]

Frustrating Living without Passion with Happiness Resolved by Free Will

Isn’t it frustrating living without passion? Yes, it is, therefore let’s look to freedom and happiness. As always, my intent from this brief is to at least point you in a right-minded direction to begin experiencing your life dream. I’m saying, finding your purpose and passion can be frustrating, at least if you are not […]

Confidence to Gain Financial Freedom and Happiness is in Your Power

Worry too much about confidence to gain financial freedom? Huh, why? This short brief will at least point you in the right direction. Certainly, one that’s best for you. Ok let’s move on this about building a better life! Sure, improving self-esteem for the life you want, while being happy. OH YES, building confidence means […]

Positive Meditation Including Types of Yoga for Creating the Life You Want

Successful positive meditation helps you capture your inner light of creation; and extend that brilliance. Yes, whether it’s breathing meditation, karma yoga, or other reflection power forms are so helpful for a better life. Oh, yes, the spirit of mindfulness meditation, and yoga spirit; an inspiring path where your future might be more grand than […]