Christ Consciousness Waits for You and Comes to the Rescue

I found that real Christ Consciousness comes to the rescue when we become overwhelmed by events that we only think shake who we are to the core.

Hemingway wrote, “The worst death is the loss of what formed one’s center.” We only seem to lose what formed our centers. This seeming loss of one’s reality projects a sense of lack.

While you further contemplate this article keep in mind this spiritual metaphysical lesson from A Course in Miracles:

  • The abundance of Christ Consciousness is the natural result of choosing to follow Him. All shallow roots must be uprooted, because they are not deep enough to sustain you.

When I entered prison and made it through the first couple of nights, I felt I was dead inside. I’d lay awake and worry about family members and friends.

Would I ever see them again?

I was in a grief hangover and wishing I could put myself out of my misery. The feeling I can remember reminds me of a passage from Mark Twain’s autobiography.

He’d returned from Europe to hear that his daughter had died suddenly. He wrote that he felt as if a lightning bolt passed through his body and he wondered about his own physical survival.

Carl Jung believed that if we didn’t develop inner strength, we’d become defensive, dogmatic, depressed, and cynical.

(When you’re finished here, I feel I must suggest a related article on inner strength and personal growth.)

Certainly, yes, let’s overcome personal growth barriers and what happens when we focus on the unfavorable side of life rather than opportunities.

What is most healing for people is Christ Consciousness.

Yes, I mean the knowledge they are still loved, needed, and capable of loving.

The ability to turn suffering into a gift for others, what Mary Pipher in her book Another Country called a “survivor mission,” also helps us heal from loss.

Relationships mean everything to us. I am fortunate to have a few comfortably close friends, and a few of them it seems have been in my life forever.

They are so important to me that I have dedicated this book to each one of them. It’s not necessary that I mention their names because they already know who they are.

My friends hold our relationships in highest regard and great trust. They view our times together as I do, as exceedingly important occasions.

We talk, we think of one another. We share and we evaluate our decisions. We help each other with our struggles. We respect one another’s beliefs.

We are available and we’re in touch. Yes, can this be Christ Consciousness?

Our goal is to strengthen and help one another wherever we can.

By being accountable and alert in our times together, we’re effortlessly willing and able to get to the heart of any issue without the standard smoke screens and fog that frequently cloud friendships.

I rather suspect that they would have appreciated my help had some comparable circumstance to my dark times of prison occurred with them, as they’ve helped me with my burden.

Although few will I never be able to fully repay, their warm hearts and listening minds are priceless, and just their being available made all the difference in the world.

When we don’t understand this most of the time, we’re basically a puppet — driven by forces from deep inside you, that you don’t understand or know about.

In relationships that begin to breakdown, psychologically the “symptom stage” takes an unusual setting.

We notice first an alteration in routine. The person no longer calls or comes around; you just seem to lose touch.

Or when he or she does come around, they are strained for words; feelings seem unnatural; you experience awkwardness, lack of eye contact, a desire to leave.

The sense of humor is decidedly absent. Things simply don’t seem right. “Something is wrong,” we whisper to ourselves via Christ Consciousness.

Then we churn.

Deep down within, our spirits seem to be at a distance, a space exists that once was not there.

By the way, the more sensitive you are toward people, the quicker you detect such symptoms.

You feel bad “vibes” as you encounter one another. But this does not only include relationships with individuals.

We have situations, events, circumstances, belief systems, projects, etc., where we’ve given ourselves, and this, too, is a relationship.

(Please allow me to suggest to you another related article on growing spiritually: Yes, you do have total freedom in growing spiritually to attain inner strength and personal development for the life you want, and the secret is to never give up…)

Truth as your Divine Light stays with you and never becomes a thing of the past. This is the Christ in you.

You radiate opposite of conflict, untouched, and quiet in your unseparated whole mind, as light.


Book 3 of the series opens our hearts to real consciousness.

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