How to Gain Financial Freedom – Learning to Attract Abundance and Prosperity

How to gain financial freedom is a question that has actually taken primacy since time began. It is a question that describes a way of life that is naturally planned where no one is required to work unhappily for earnings to cover their costs.

How to gain financial freedom answered perpetuates that a person can be without the unwanted duties of income, as long as he has set a life defining plan to attract abundance and prosperity.

To achieve financial freedom does not suggest that one is free of debt.

Nevertheless, it competes that debt can be defined as a cost.

While debt is a consistent financial consideration, a person who has actually achieved financial freedom is allowed to mark financial obligation as a part of his costs, instead of a weight to his monetary objectives and goals.

I mean that finding the answer to how to gain financial freedom is learning a principle attuned to your lifestyle and the quantity of money you have to cover it.

In this point of view, to attract abundance and prosperity is not as tough to achieve as first thought of.

Financial Freedom is Time Freedom

For other individuals, achieving financial freedom is equivalent to having a broadened free time, where the idea of “time is money” enters into play.

In reality, an economically independent person will see that to attract abundance and prosperity is done by the use of time.

Then that means you are in a favorable direction to learn how to gain financial freedom once you are able to develop a sense of time and freedom as one working together for you.

The Course in Miracles teaches us in many of its spiritual metaphysical principles that, “Your inner true Essence uses time on your behalf.”

Defined in a different way, financial freedom and financial flexibility permits somebody to take time on activities without trading your totally free time for income.

This is what my friend has learned to do over time, for instance, by watching all penny stocks and earning internet money.

How to gain financial freedom can be answered on tradable possessions like that list of penny stocks I just mentioned, for example, that compound over time to get the life you want.

Achieving Financial Freedom

(Here’s more blog material on why mind over money learned is your secret knowledge of attracting abundance to you.)  

How to gain financial freedom needs a different frame of mind from a reflective state.

In our traditional upbringing and formal education, we are taught to work and sacrifice ‘this to gain that’ for cash and income.

We have been taught that “someone else must lose so that we may gain.” And that we put in time to work and then we get our wages.

To attract abundance and prosperity means letting go of this lack concept of ‘not enough’ and that sacrifice is the rule for making money work.  

But, sure we still need to do a few of those things that are not so comfortable, because as humans with the ego that is of human nature, there will always be some ‘tug and pull,’ so to speak.

My friend, again, for example, has told me of some all-nighters on the computer, and restless—get-out-of-bed at 3am mornings while watching all penny stocks.

But that was some of the tug and pull I mean for how he is now earning internet money from his list of penny stocks.

Perhaps it means a Shift in Lifestyle

How to gain financial freedom includes a different shift in lifestyle and learning about the inner Light of a reflective state of mind.

The Course in Miracles states, “What do you want? Light or darkness, knowledge or ignorance are yours, but not both.”

An important step to achieving financial freedom is in understanding there are ways to use time as your partner.

To achieve financial freedom, basic mindsets about the concept of income and money need to be looked at differently.

Evaluating financial freedom as the amount of cash you have sitting in the bank beats the purpose due to the fact that in the end, you will not have happiness if you are not pleased with the money that you have.

Remember that I mean, how to gain financial freedom is answered from within you, by creating it within and then reflecting your inner wealth into the material world.

So constantly put into heart that to attract abundance and prosperity is healthy as long as one feels it is ethically sound to make money from your ideas.

In the end, having the right mindset about earning income will go a long way in handling various understandings of true financial freedom.

It begins in your mind and then it becomes your human world.

(Here’s a related review article on Mind Secrets Exposed: will it help you get the life you want?) 

To the life you want to live,

James Nussbaumer

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