Soothing Anger by Consciousness Responsibility over Frustration Now

Soothing anger is a must for finally reaching your life dream and the goals that go with it for long-lasting happiness. Much of the USA and the entire world are watching the consciousness effort desperately and losing hope. Many are wanting things to happen right now in this instant today. I like this spiritual metaphysical […]

Trump or Biden who Truly Won? And What Things Look Like on the Horizon

I suggest checking out this round table discussion with the following wonderful people: Robert David Steele, Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, Sacha Stone & Sean Stone. Be sure to do your own research on these individual’s qualifications: All my best, James Nussbaumer PS: Feel free to visit the rest of my blog where you can search […]

Trouble Turning Your Luck Around means Needing Thought Manifestation

If you’re having trouble turning your luck around here’s a helpful article as a stepping stone for living a better life. Listen deeply to this article and videos if you are asking yourself often, how to make things happen and manifest anything.  Learning how to make things happen is similar to learning to swim. How […]