Is My Marriage Worth Saving and will Couples Therapy Work?

You know why I can answer is my marriage worth saving, because it it’s what you want then it certainly is? Preparing through couples therapy is a positive process, I can now tell (at least most of the time) when a relationship is failing. You begin the path to healing a relationship by looking at […]

Heaven Is You: What Else Could your Real Home Be?

Heaven Is You Heaven is all that God created. He did not create It to be separate from us. It’s not a location nor is it a condition. It’s an awareness of perfect oneness and is the knowledge that there is nothing else. There is nothing that can ever exist outside the oneness, and nothing […]

Why Do I Fear when I Know Deep within I have Much to Offer the World?

Let’s begin conquering anxiety and worried over: why do I fear?  First, let’s consider this statement from the Course in Miracles: “I have said you have but two emotions. One is changeless but continually exchanged, being offered by the eternal to the eternal.” These reflection principles, or, what some may call, the power of attraction, […]

Authentic and Genuine Love – Can We Describe It Today?

Love, I mean authentic and genuine love cannot judge. It’s how we improve our lives through real healing! It is one itself, it looks on all as one. Its meaning lies in oneness. There is no love but God’s and all of love is His. Think of authentic and genuine love in your life. Can […]

Mind Over Money Attraction and Living in Abundance Consistently

Tools to help mind over money attraction can be an extremely important asset in your success toolbox. I’ve written tons of blog articles and as well in my ever-developing book series revealing the power of attraction for manifesting a great life. So I decided to make things a bit easier by breaking down the few […]