Moving On and Letting Go-Enthusiastic Easy Equation for How to Achieve Success in Life

If you’re pressing to begin moving on and letting go of whatever has set you back, by continuing to look outside yourself will delay you further. You are simply delaying your true free will which is your purpose in life

You can forgive your past, as I have done, and let it go, by looking beyond to where you begin to give as you receive at the same time. 

A Course in Miracles states, “It is essential to realize that all defenses do what they would defend. 

Unlike what the ego-based mind would have you believe, there is no plan for enlightenment or salvation, other than this. 

The ego has had us all searching for fantasy.  By moving on and letting go you forgive yourself. 

It’s okay; you can now forget and look beyond deceit and doubt, by keeping it simple.

Try to see that all complexities of the world are behind you now. 

When doubt, indecisiveness, confusion, or many of the other struggles we face, seem to get you down and keep you from moving on and letting go, you need a solid way to stop fooling yourself about your own uncertainties.

(When you’re done here I also suggest a related article on how to create your reality and reach your goals and dreams through your ideas and beliefs.) 

Letting go of the past

Many of us have taught ourselves the unnatural habit of an untrue method for communicating with God, Who is the Source, or divine Lamp, if you will, that our light forever shines from. 

We’re of Him, and we remain in close communication with ourselves, yet we have been fooling ourselves by looking outside of who we are when trying to get in touch with God.  We seem to try sending “out” our prayers.

Don’t miss the mark

We squint our eyes, or close them, and think hard as we try to push brain energy outward so that God may receive our requests.  But we’re missing the mark.  Everything of God is already in us. 

We must unlearn the idea of separateness and learn of the happy communication that is not only what we are capable of, but is our power. 

It can’t be lost, and this is how we begin moving on and letting go.

Whenever you are in doubt or troubled about what you should do, simply make a request to the truth in you, the Holy Spirit, Who abides in your right-mind. 

We are taught that prayer should be lengthy, which is not the case unless that is what you seek.

With all sincerity and certainty of your true free will, simply ask, as I often do, in the form of meditation or prayer.

Place focus on your in and out breath and say:

  • Holy Spirit, please go ahead and decide for me

That’s it! Then consider it done with confidence, but not of grandiosity or pompous boastfulness. 

Be humble by knowing His decisions are the reflections of what God knows about you, and any error in this decision is impossible.

To be enlightened

Why would you frantically struggle to begin moving on and letting go if you anticipate all you cannot know, when all knowledge lies behind every decision the Holy Spirit makes for you? 

Learn of His Wisdom and Love that rests within you, and trust in the decision you’ll be making. 

Additionally, in your own unique style, discreetly, respectfully, and with care, tenderly teach His Answer to others who struggle as you have. 

Your own true story is often a good lesson to share, as I often share mine with so many others.  You must be yourself.

Here’s a great related article to see a way to reflect upon your answer to life and success and quit living someone else’s dream: 

To letting go of the past,

James Nussbaumer

PS: If you’ve enjoyed this article I invite you to subscribe to my EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter where we (you the reader, and I, the author) bring our mind together for self-success and a better world.

 Here are the first two books of my ever-developing series—reflections of A Course in Miracles:

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