Guilt and the Fence You Make for it Holding You Back in Life

Not sex nor nudity, but the grief of guilt is the biggest secret ever, and it must be looked at to overcome its fear. My friend Fran once told me of needing to change her father’s diapers; he was a stroke victim. He was humiliated and apologetic let alone in tears. She told him, “Please, […]

Positive Influence-its Impact when it’s Time for Overdue Change

Try to think of positive influence as being similar to a ray of the sun that beams and extends cheerfully into all of us. The goodness and well-being of what extends directly becomes part of our inner Self, and sends vibrational waves impacting the world around us. My friend Louise Hay stated in her book, […]

Just Be Yourself to Heal Fear, Guilt and Doubt

By learning to more often just be yourself, you never have to ask ‘What am I afraid of. You won’t sulk any longer over, “No confidence in myself.”  When you will finally just be yourself much of the fear, guilt and doubt that plagues you will wither away. Each fear we have arises from the […]