Your Higher-Self and Self-Awareness Realized for a Better Life

Are we simply a body with a personality? From my understanding, your higher-self is much more than that. Every one of us has a higher consciousness, some tap into it and others do not. In this brief article I wish to simply ramble a bit about the meaning of meeting your higher self, or learning […]

Self-Esteem Exercises Practiced by Enlightenment Thinkers

An etheric body, likewise called the aura, surrounds every person, and is great to understand for self-esteem exercises. This energy field of spiritual enlightenment is believed to be made up of your emanations, your vital divine imagination. It’s what Eastern religious and spiritual beliefs call Prana, the Chinese call Chi and the popular religious beliefs […]

How to Hear from God by Letting Go of Your Inner Critic

There are few individuals who accomplish how to hear from God, I mean real knowledge, an awareness that we all have, while in this world. Many are obscuring this awareness because the ego-based mind has a drive to believe more in the body than the whole and real conscious mind. The ego in us all […]

What’s the Key to Success and Habits of Highly Effective People

Imitating successful individuals is one of the success tips, but truly what’s the key to success? Typically, people don’t really understand what the factors of success are, but they will offer you as numerous explanations as you want anyways. One morning on the early morning Talk Show where they talk about people who just turned […]

Just Believe in Yourself and Let the Power of Self-Belief Lead You

How do we experience success in life and come to rely on the miracle of the power of self-belief? Can you truly just believe in yourself and let go of excessive thinking, worry and fear of failure? How can learning to stop overthinking help you achieve success? These are areas of concerns that the entrepreneurial […]