Choices in Life and Avoiding the Same Mistake Again and Again

Leave it to the ego-based mind to help you make choices in life and the same mistake again, and always have you questioning something, especially when the truth is plain to see. 

Who would know what your true reality is? 

The ego thinks it knows how to help you make choices in life, but still is uncertain itself. 

But miracle mindedness by using the law of attraction in your favor is how you let go of the ego and on to what you truly want in life. And you can see how right here!

All day long the ego in us and in others who think they are well meaning tries to teach us how we should take action or what to do and what to pursue, even what to say, and who or what not to say it to. 

No one know your true calling but you!

But the ego that is in each of us doesn’t understand anything that is real, because it views the world with wrong-minded perceptions that it invented, or we can say “dreamed up.” 

In book 1 of the series we find the answer to…Therefore, what kind of a teacher can it be?  So why do we always follow its lessons? 

(By the way, when you’re done here please see another related article I feel will be helpful for when you say I really hate my life you may rise above with the power of visualization.) 

The answer to both these questions is simple. 

We tell ourselves the ego is the best teacher ever because of “what a wise man once said.”  Or, “They’ve been doing it this way for generations, so there must be some trick to it.” 

Or, “You will be forever damned in hell if you try to change now.”  Does any of this sound even a little bit familiar?

Any of the ego’s lessons for making choices in life we must learn are always of fear. 

But it is your choice to begin making right choices based on either love or fear, truth or falsehood, reality or unreality.  There is no middle ground. 

Now that you are realizing the dilemma in making right choices to avoid the same mistake again, “There is a different way of looking at the world,” you can easily make your decision. 

Even if you could disregard the Holy Spirit’s lessons of truth completely, which is impossible, you would still learn nothing from the ego because the ego is nothing.

It only interferes with your healing spirit and keeps you from maximum potential.

A Course in Miracles asks us to contemplate…How can something you made up teach you anything?  It’s ridiculous, right? 

But could this possibly be the reason that history repeats itself? 

The ego loves history because it is sold on the past, and it is selling it to you.

Why would anyone choose a teacher like this to avoid making the same mistake again?

Doesn’t the total disregard of anything it teaches make you…?  Do we wish to keep passing these lessons along? 

We must, because there sure are more powerful bombs and other killing devices today, at my age of fifty-five, than there were when my grandfather was my age. 

Why do we continue to pass these lessons along?

Is this the teacher for making choices in life, I mean for making right choices, that our all-loving Creator would appoint to help us find ourselves? 

Clearly the answer is no; and this is why we are so filled with so much guilt.  Do you still insist on following the demands of the ego? 

A Course in Miracles helps us see…If its demands are not enough, the ego has done more harm to our learning, and our healing, than any of the unhappiness it additionally has given us. 

Wouldn’t you agree that when you practice choices in life learning should be joyful if it leads you along your natural path and facilitates the development of what you have within you? 

“The learning of what?” you are likely asking.

In my 2nd book we come to grips with…I’m sure you’ll agree that everything we face in life is a learning experience, including making choices in life that can seem to test our frustration.  We’re taught against our true nature, and this imprisons us. 

Be sure to learn more about Miracle Manifestation!

An example might be the prayers dished out as a punishment when we feel a child needs to learn a lesson, where we believe penance is appropriate. 

Why would we teach a child to associate prayer with punishment? 

Nevertheless we are taught, and we teach, to sacrifice. 

But your own true free will does not ask that you make sacrifice because your FREE will is of your nature; therefore you cannot go against it. 

If you truly can sense, or have the knowledge of, your true free will, I mean truly igniting your passions, then the ego’s lessons will not sink in. 

This adds to the light that draws the ego’s lessons to it, where the ego-based mind’s projections of reality simply fade away in plain sight—the plain sight that is your real vision.

(I also suggest searching related articles about building a better life.)

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