Finding Joy in Life through your Intrinsic Value and Strikingly Reaching Full Potential

Finding joy in life is what creates a beautiful life. It’s tapping into our intrinsic value to overcome adversity and shines our inner light on the shadows that seem to hold us back. Joy gets us through relationship and marital problems, helps us reach our full potential, heals us when we’re down, and extends inspiration to others when they need it most.

In a previous blog article I wrote about how country singer/songwriter, Roseann Cash had me finding joy in life as I related to her rise to fame, while having to discard the public’s projection of the shadow of her legendary father, Johnny Cash.

There’s no doubting the fact that musicians like Rosanne Cash and her late father Johnny write beautiful songs that penetrate us somehow. 

The feelings of finding joy in life which we get from such an art are an intrinsic value and are not physical, but our bodies do go along for the joy ride. 

Is it the musicians’ bodies that create this joy?

No, it’s not, and just as the body is merely the instrument that houses the ability while it is communicated, we are not limited to the body. 

These abilities are simply decisions the Holy Spirit helps us make deep within the mind, where He abides as an aspect of who we actually are. 

God communicates this power of mind to us through the Holy Spirit, which is universally in us all. 

A Course in Miracles says that, “the Holy Spirit is the motivation for miracles.”

This oneness—a power of mind, is what gives us truth in the decisions we make, which gives us sincerity, and by turns helps us begin finding joy in life.

Although the body can be a messenger, it can only be the mind that creates the thought to be communicated.  It is the mind that instructs the brain (the body) to begin its message-sending. 

Fearful feelings

But it is possible that the mind may get lost, or even arrested inside the brain, due to a belief that nothing is beyond the body.  This is when wrong-mindedness prevails, with confusion, chaos, and other fearful feelings.

This can make the ego a hard shell to crack.  But you don’t have to “crack” it.  You can choose to let go of the ego easily, because it is unaware that it has no chance to eliminate your willingness to do so. 

A Course in Miracles states, “When your body and your ego and your fearful dreams are gone, you will know that you will last forever.”

The whole power of mind has an ongoing willingness to create, and the ego continues to go out of its way to try and prove to you it doesn’t need wholeness, and that a separate identity is safer.

Your full potential 

This is where our perceptions play their hand as a stepping stone, either up to knowledge or down to ignorance. 

When you operate from the whole mind, you don’t need to derive a sense of safety by following the crowd, because you’re real enough as Johnny Cash sang, to “walk the line,” if you will, of your own chosen destiny. 

Of course the ego will try to convince you that the body already does act on its own and is self-sufficient. 

But the belief in self-sufficiency—separateness—is a wrong-minded attitude that makes for a behavior pattern and mental state not suited for finding joy in life and extending it into the hearts of others.

Remember, beliefs are what you make yourself, and then erroneously call truths. 

Here’s a related article about how personal struggles easily transcended by trusting things happen for a reason: 

To your intrinsic value,

James Nussbaumer

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 Here are the first two books of my ever-developing series—reflections of A Course in Miracles:

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