Is Life a Dream Keeping us Dealing With Feelings of Guilt and Depression?

It is frequently thought deeply by truth seekers everywhere about the idea of is life a dream; and if so, is it our release from guilt and depression?

Let’s look deeper here in this metaphysical article about coping with guilt as part of the dream your life is living.

I mean so that you can rather let go of what has you imprisoned so you may move forward in life to happiness.

Make sense?

Okay, let’s get moving!

First, consider this spiritual metaphysical principle from the Course in Miracles:

  • “It is impossible that one illusion be less amenable to truth than are the rest. But it is possible that some are given greater value, and less willingly offered to truth for healing and for help. No illusion has any truth in it.”

Having actually examined lucid dreaming in my third book of the series called, And Then I Knew My Abundance, I was brought to some light.

Allow me to emphasize in this brief article about why this understanding is of any kind of useful usage.

That might mean to you, turning the dream of life into how to change your life by listening within.

I mean for the happy life you want to live while here in this world.

Your Memory, or is Life a Dream? 

(When you’re finished here see this other related article: how you can change your life by listening to your inner Teacher’s personal growth plan:) 

At this point it’s important that we add an idea to our thought process to help us form our own positive image of what actually did occur in the separation of thought from God.

Consider at that very moment of separation, something appeared to happen. I mean, which, as in a dream doesn’t really happen at all.

For just one instant, a single nano-second, a very tiny aspect of God’s Creation, the mind as a whole, had an idea that was not shared with God.

It was a “what if” type of thought.

It’s a curiousness, which ever-so-briefly, sparked a questionable thought, a reference to placing effort into making things better.

A thought that may have said, “Is there anything that can be done to make a better paradise?”

It was a mischievous sort of thought with no harm intended.

An errant thought.

A day dream, much like when a young teenager wonders what it might it might be like to take a drink of beer. Or puff on a cigarette.

Or, like a six or seven year old might wonder if he can strike a match successfully to make a flame.

No harm intended while we answer to our feelings of guilt. 

It’s just a fantasy thought of something he never did proceed to do.

A thought of “what if”, that went no further, other than now having us coping with guilt.

The thought did have an image, but never really materialized. That’s all. And is why we want to ask, is life a dream?

But because this separated thought was not of God, it wasn’t real. Therefore, God did not respond to it.

God, our Creator, only knows of what is real, all else in the dream of life in this world.

Perhaps how you dream your life may have some setbacks only because not acting from your heart,

In doing so would certainly have given this thought a birth to reality, which in no way could ever happen.


If the Creator of Oneness were to acknowledge anything other than perfect oneness, there would not be perfect oneness.

You and I have never left this Oneness of mind. Yet, and while we continue to discuss this we remain at Home viewing these dreaming thoughts.      

Because we do try to be creative through this dreaming state of mind without God.

I’m saying, unplugged so to speak from our Source, this separated state of mind is ego-based.

This is the unreal thought that at best can only make fantasy wishes.

This is why everything we “make” seems to be special and does not last; and, so why we begin dealing with feelings of guilt.

In this cosmic instant of a dreaming individuality, the image of a lifetime goes by as being special, and doesn’t last.

This frightens us and we feel defensive.

We believe it’s all real.

Rather than oneness we have separate identities. This gives us the sense of living in a world outside of or away from God, our Father.

This makes us filled with guilt and depression.

It’s our memories of a past, a dreaming state opposite of the Truth.

Yes, coping with guilt where all sorts of errors have compounded which piles on more guilt.

This makes us fearful of a vengeance from God. But it is a vengeance you only dream about in your dream life.

(I also recommend another article here on: why changing core beliefs may turn your life around for a better life:) 

To letting go of guilt and living the life you want,

James Nussbaumer

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