We will have problems getting what we want in life and think within us, I feel stuck in life and can’t get the life I want. It’s because it seems we have chosen being chained and bound over real inner-freedom, feeling stuck and depressed, and therefore know little about the real meaning of total forgiveness. […]
Author Archives: James Nussbaumer
Total Self-Forgiveness Will Get You the Life YOU Want
Total self-forgiveness and then reflecting from within, what you want in life, is what creates your material world…and How to Forgive for Overcoming Feeling Trapped in Life. The freedom we get from total self-forgiveness brings us the lasting inner-peace we’re looking for, and as well, the right-minded shift for self-healing we need. The power […]
Live the Life YOU Imagined – Put The Power of Attraction on Your Team
When your inner dialogue is chirping, “Start NOW to live the life you imagined.” Remember a struggling mind is like a storm in your mind. I’ve heard someone else say that a troubled mind can seem like a wild jungle full of snakes and other creatures out of control everywhere. Certainly not how to live […]
Feeling Inadequate in Life and Low Self-Worth Easily Overcome
Many individuals on a healing path have discovered it exceptionally challenging to recover from feeling inadequate in life. Yet when you comprehend the function of healing and self-forgiveness, you will be able to move beyond low self-worth and feeling inadequate in life. Healing is the miracle, and is something we all know how to do! […]
How to Make My Life Better is What We’re All Asking – Course in Miracles
There are many things you can do when you hound yourself and think and wonder about, how to make my life better. A better life is always in a peaceful mind. For how to make my life better think of words that suggest a calm inner feeling and consciousness—words like peaceful (a tranquil […]
Living a Balanced Life – Being Successful and Highly Effective Leader
Living a balanced life is in understanding that you are essential to the world. Yes, the world needs you to become effective. Accepting this responsibility to yourself first, and then to the world, can lead to positive outlook and control over your life. It needs to be a journey of purpose and passion that you […]
The Ideal Lifestyle is Yours To Create
Try the Power of Visualization for the ideal lifestyle. One of the best methods to do this is by the power of visualization. The ideal lifestyle is yours by imagining peaceful scenes in your mind. For example, you can initially visualize in your mind a beach being battered by tropical stormy weather conditions. Branches […]
How to Begin Making Life Changes and Striking Personal Transformation
How to begin making life changes is in both your willingness and readiness to do so. If you are not as productive as you’d tend or you like to procrastinate, you still may begin changing your life for the better. Positive change in your life lies in making the activities you put off more intriguing, […]
Looking for Peace of Mind in Daily Life and Getting the Life You Want
We’re all looking for peace of mind, and to get to that blissful state of mind you must exercise an important power of choice. That means you must continually be letting go of all wrong-minded ego-based thoughts consuming you. You do so by emptying thoughts of fear, self-doubt, judgement, guilt and the like from your […]
What to do If You Feel Lonely – Am I Destined to be Alone?
What to do if you feel lonely is something many ancient and recent day thinkers have explored and specified. It is revealed that one of the surprises of cultures understood for their long lifespan was the significance of love and healthy relationships. Loneliness and unfavorable interactions can depress the functioning of the body’s systems and result […]