No matter what stage in life you may or may not be of the many individuals who have the knack to put your heart into it when going all out to begin accomplishing goals. Going after your true calling might seem tougher than it is for others. Many strive to figure it out through painful experiences […]
Author Archives: James Nussbaumer
Self-Healing Power Within-What the Unhealed Healer can’t Grasp
As the Light of the Holy Spirit is your healing power, He uses the body constantly for communication purposes, and we must understand the body’s connection with self-healing. No one has healing power of his own, and anyone who considers himself “a healer” doesn’t understand this—is an unhealed healer. A Course in Miracles states, “Every […]
Personal Transformation Conference for Self-Dignity and a Better Life-A Course in Miracles
Much of the world not surprisingly yearns for personal transformation. The world we made for ourselves sees negative news daily in newspapers, TV news, talk shows, magazine articles, and all over social media. It seems all too often to be a “Bad News” atmosphere. What we see daily seems to be what we simply get […]
Core Beliefs Changed Certainly Bring Forward your Healing Power
To begin changing core beliefs is to actually see why we have these assessments within ourselves. What you will then discover when you further ponder an issue is that these arrangements you made with yourself usually are fragmented—and that separation of thought carries with it some degree of uncertainty. A Course in Miracles states, “These […]
Finding Joy in Life through your Intrinsic Value and Strikingly Reaching Full Potential
Finding joy in life is what creates a beautiful life. It’s tapping into our intrinsic value to overcome adversity and shines our inner light on the shadows that seem to hold us back. Joy gets us through relationship and marital problems, helps us reach our full potential, heals us when we’re down, and extends inspiration […]
Personal Struggles Surprisingly Transcended by Trusting Things Happen for a Reason
Many individuals have to deal with personal struggles and the uncertainty of overcoming adversity and stressful situations in their day to day lives. There are also many who have the self-confidence to see that everything happens for a reason. Some individuals see that having this positive outlook makes it easier to cope with marital and other […]
Problems in Life Overcome by Finding your Passion and Living to your Full Potential
Around the same time my own problems in life and career as a financial advisor were getting ready to send me to prison over a foolish securities violation—my own lousy errors in thought, I didn’t find it too strange that suddenly I would become a fan of the late singer and songwriter Johnny Cash. There […]
Prayer for Peace of Mind-Inner Peace in Daily Life Easily Attained
The power of the subconscious is yours. Here’s a prayer for peace of mind in daily life, that may quickly and easily be brought forward in you. It’s more of a meditation for peace technique that I prefer to use, helping me to go beyond all words and physical form seen as special. Feel free […]
Moving On and Letting Go-Enthusiastic Easy Equation for How to Achieve Success in Life
If you’re pressing to begin moving on and letting go of whatever has set you back, by continuing to look outside yourself will delay you further. You are simply delaying your true free will which is your purpose in life. You can forgive your past, as I have done, and let it go, by looking […]
Reflect Upon your Answer to Life and Stop Living Someone Else’s Dream
To reflect upon what it is you truly want in life is excellent therapy for attaining your most cherished dreams in accordance with your true free will—which is God’s Plan for you. You begin to direct your dreams away from living someone else’s dream for you. One way of asking questions of life is, “What […]