Secret behind Success – Abundance Thinking and the Power of Choice

One thing about the secret behind success that the world’s most successful icons will tell you, about how successful people grow, is they know exactly what they need to do.  Their way to success does not allow time to control them.

Of the habits of successful people is in not allowing excuses to get in their way.

To act like a success and think like a success means never standing by excuses, while many others give up far too soon and never allow for the law of success to help them along.

(Please note, also this review article may help, on the $7k in 7 Days system, and whether it might be for you or not.)


When you stroll with the wise you discover the secret behind success.

Here are secrets of successful people that are seeds to the law of success:

You have the POWER of CHOICE:

What is the secret of success is nothing more than people knowing that they have control over just three things in their life:

The secret behind success and the law of success is in your options, and how you make the most of them figures out the result you experience in life.

The Course in Miracles teaches us that, “”Nothing you need will be denied you. Not one seeming difficulty but will melt away before you reach it.”

If you are not pleased with what you presently experience or have, then you have to change your reactions, images and thoughts to positive, encouraging ones.

This is just another reason why I always suggest that you learn some type of mindfulness training that is comfortable for you, and I recommend this system.

This is a learnt ability, a self-enlightenment, if you will, that mentors or coaches may assist you to master.


Financial Freedom and Flexibility – so that all your future days are prepaid – you will work because you WANT to work not due to the fact that you HAVE to work.

Time Freedom – comes from financial flexibility – it is the next level – your work is now your play your play is now your work.

Physical freedom – health is the supreme wealth – with time to work out and willingness and readiness to seek out the finest nutrition and healthcare you can support overall health and well-being for as long as possible.

Relationship Bliss – comes next – you now have the precious gift of love and time to explore it, flexibility to make your dedication to each other deep, intimate, lastingly cherish-able.

And, if some trouble seems to penetrate a love relationship, the truly successful are quick to seek out a relationship healing method.

By the way, here’s a related article on a strongly suggested way to solve marriage-trouble and begin relationship healing.

The Course in Miracles states, “In this world, God’s Child comes closest to himself in a holy relationship. There he begins to find the certainty his Father has in him.”

Spiritual Freedom – self-enlightenment and inner peace – you now can discover and examine who you truly are in the higher scheme of being with increased gratitude, awareness and connection to all that is.

Consider this Success Affirmation:

You have the POWER to be a magnet to SUCCESS.

You need to contemplate over the secret behind success constantly at the very start or you will automatically self-sabotage.

We are told that our state of mind and the power of choice is what creates our state of results, which the Universe is essentially plentiful – there is no scarcity except in our own ego-based minds!

Abundance thinking multiplies, amplifies and magnetizes whatever is focused upon.

Affirmations are part of your POWERFUL LAW OF SUCCESS TOOLS to keep you on track and develop results.

The Course in Miracles further insists that, “You need take thought for nothing, careless of everything except the only purpose that you would fulfill.”

Remember, you have the POWER to be a magnet to SUCCESS.

Affirmations as well as meditation are part of your POWERFUL LAW OF SUCCESS TOOLS to keep you aligned with the power of the universe, so you may create a life of wellness, abundance, and a life of purpose and passion.

(Please note, I also suggest this related article on to be authentic and join the habits of successful people.)

To being successful,

James Nussbaumer

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