Guilt and the Fence You Make for it Holding You Back in Life

Not sex nor nudity, but the grief of guilt is the biggest secret ever, and it must be looked at to overcome its fear. My friend Fran once told me of needing to change her father’s diapers; he was a stroke victim. He was humiliated and apologetic let alone in tears. She told him, “Please, […]

Building Healthy Relationships Especially With Your Self

Commonly, individuals struggle to begin building healthy relationships even with self, and soon do discover answers that help them to construct healthy relationships and a much healthier self. Worry often holds them back from finding methods to enhance their general life and building healthy relationships. Many individuals think twice to work toward a brighter tomorrow, […]

Positive Self-Esteem and Letting Go of Feeling in the Dumps

A Course in Miracles helps us see that confidence and positive self-esteem and a great sense of self-worth, like anything else successful, does take some use of time and right-minded inner focus. Low-self-esteem help can be attained by confiding with encouraging people in your circle of life, or through the countless self-help systems that truly […]

Building a Better Life and Ways to Begin Finding Inner Peace

Building a better life begins by making a decision to live life according to your own terms. You can’t worry about what well intended, but misinformed family members, friends, and others might think or advise differently. Start finding ways to make your life better by listening to what’s going on inside you and trusting your […]

Having a Positive Attitude Heals Your Worrying Too Much

For years I’d seek out tons of books on having a positive attitude, self-help, new age, spirituality, and psychology to philosophy.  This went on unto finally I allowed the light to enter, and I no longer had to force myself to think positive thoughts. I finally freed myself and opened my eyes to a wonderful […]

Forgiving Oneself So You May Move On in Life

Forgiving oneself is a letting go process. Self-forgiveness may take longer than a day or two and the time frame will vary for everyone. But regardless of how long, it keeps you on the path of hope. Many of us continue to harbor the past and the mistakes made for far too long after a […]