Spiritual Awakening or Religious: Why You’re Not Building a Spiritual Life?

Spiritual awakening and knowledge appears to be part of religious practices. Spiritual awakening is a spiritual experience where the person who is informed had contact with the divine and supernatural. It has actually belonged to different traditions and practices, incorporating different religious beliefs. Enlightenment is subjective since it fits on the person’s perception and understanding […]

Spiritual Awakening Today and Realizing Signs of Darkness Fading Away

Let’s get concerned with spiritual awakening today while we are understanding the indications of light putting out darkness. Is living in the darkness of fear and doubt keeping us from our dreams, goals and true free will? Often you ask yourself what is a real spiritual awakening and if I have really currently acquired such […]

Managing Stress-A Spiritual Awakening Exercise for Healing a Scarcity Mentality

Managing stress is important when you think you are up against the wall with problems you’re desperately trying to overcome. It could be demands you’re dealing with in life—such as marital or relationship issues, career, financial pressures, weight-loss, or anything threatening your inner power to cope. When I was released from prison after eight long […]

To Be Saved-It’s What the Ego Can’t Understand

To be saved, or what we traditionally call, salvation, where you exercise the power within you to live the life you want, most certainly is universal, meaning that everyone will be saved. How can some be saved and some not when what is eternal, infinite, and one, must be whole? Yes, to be whole means […]

Spiritual Awakening as Energy Healing for Life of Purpose

Spiritual awakening answers the aged old question, “What is the point of life.” Sometimes there’s a lot of energy healing to it, which is enlightenment to what many people call a kundalini spiritual awakening. Sometimes, a spiritual awakening is an inner knowing, a clarity, if you will, for life of purpose about something or some […]

Listen to Your Inner Voice and Succeed in Life

How to listen to your inner voice is first knowing your true Teacher or Guide while in this world. Our Creator gave us His Teacher, the Holy Spirit to replace the one we made that keeps us in the dream of separation.  The Holy Spirit does not need to raise conflict, but He does need to […]