Overcoming Life Difficulties; Finding Purpose in Life

Exactly what really are the life difficulties that seem to keep you from your purpose in life?

Letting go of and ridding life difficulties; searching for and clarifying your core life objectives can help you shift forward with higher emphasis and quality each day of your life.

It’s how the world’s most influential people act like a success and think like a success.

Specifically in these unclear and difficult times, establishing clear goals and objectives as well as fine-tuning your purpose in life will make it a lot easier to overcome adversity.

Do you have a passion you are not striving toward?

Let’s take all this thought about life difficulties and not knowing your purpose in life into the realm of your true essence by asking yourself two questions:

If God is just, can there be any problems at all that justice cannot solve? 

Next, do you believe that some injustices are fair and good—necessary to preserve and protect yourself?

After you’ve reviewed this article consider when you’re feeling stuck and depressed how to set yourself free from self-imprisonment: 

These are the problems that we think are great and cannot be resolved. 

Isn’t this what we are doing when we drop bombs on other lands, but tell ourselves that we try our best to minimize the death toll of the innocent? 

Isn’t this what we did when we took land from the Native Americans, because “If we didn’t, someone else would have”? 

Isn’t this what we do when we spank our child and say, “This will hurt me more that it hurts you”?

It seems there are those we want to see suffer loss, and no one we wish to see being preserved from sacrifice entirely. 

(I also suggest setting measurable goals and objectives for a better life and a healthier you) 

Judging Others

Isn’t other peoples’ “dirty laundry” what we like to see, especially when it is someone we feel is more successful than us, such as the problems of movie stars that clutter the media? 

When they are exposed, doesn’t this give us a sense of safety?

A Course in Miracles asks us to consider our special function and purpose.  “It’s a function and purpose in life that is given to you to see in your brother/sister her perfect sinless Identity—only errors, that’s all, no sin.”

Errors in thought are easily corrected.

Sin is only the same illusion as the error in thought that made the illusion.  

And do not ask that your sister/brother make sacrifices, because you do not want him to suffer loss.  If you can’t do this, you are only seeing his body, and therefore must only see your own. 

If this is so, you are lacking the sight of truth. 

It is there. 

You are just holding it back and are afraid.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you “See another way of looking at the world.”  Just by asking you are willing to see the truth, and on your way to your purpose.

A Course in Miracles has helped me to see that what we are doing by asking is calling out for the miracle of justice, to heal us, as surely as our brother/sister. 

Your Inner Power

The gifts of Holy Spirit—or we may say your inner divine Self, are psychic powers instilled in you to not be content until it is received by you, and errors in thought are corrected. 

When you ask this of the Holy Spirit, it means to Him that you are giving yourself for your purpose in life, and by your giving it, He can ensure that everyone receives it equally.

After all, what is psychic power other than the natural power of your mind?

Now that you have absorbed that truth in you, think how great your own release will be when you are willing to receive correction for all your life difficulties. 

You will not keep a single problem, because that pain is not part of your function. 

You will not want it, you will no longer seem to own it, and will see every little hurt and life difficulties resolved by the Holy Spirit. 

This is why I strongly suggest you learn breathing meditation exercises, to help you be aligned with your inner Essence.

All of them are little in His sight, and are worth no more than just a little sigh before they disappear to be forever undone and unremembered.

What once seemed to be big life difficulties, errors in thought without a remedy, or an affliction without a cure, has been transformed into a Universal Blessing, your purpose in life. 

Sacrifice is gone, and in its place is your knowledge and acceptance of the truth.

Here’s how to resolve conflict and overcome adversity by understanding the illusion it really it is: 

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