Put Your Heart Into It-Best Strategy when Accomplishing Goals

No matter what stage in life you may or may not be of the many individuals who have the knack to put your heart into it when going all out to begin accomplishing goals. Going after your true calling might seem tougher than it is for others. Many strive to figure it out through painful experiences […]

Self-Healing Power Within-What the Unhealed Healer can’t Grasp

As the Light of the Holy Spirit is your healing power, He uses the body constantly for communication purposes, and we must understand the body’s connection with self-healing.  No one has healing power of his own, and anyone who considers himself “a healer” doesn’t understand this—is an unhealed healer. A Course in Miracles states, “Every […]

Core Beliefs Changed Certainly Bring Forward your Healing Power

To begin changing core beliefs is to actually see why we have these assessments within ourselves. What you will then discover when you further ponder an issue is that these arrangements you made with yourself usually are fragmented—and that separation of thought carries with it some degree of uncertainty. A Course in Miracles states, “These […]