You ever heard of muscle and fitness gurus? They for the most part today are coming to believe in mindfulness and mental health leading the way. It’s the benefits of mindfulness meditation. You may be like many who say, I just don’t have time in my life to master mindfulness training. My gosh, “meditation” techniques! […]
Tag Archives: Course in Miracles
Getting Out of a Rut and How to Move on in Life
Just how do we rise above adversity and move forward in life when we’re feeling in a rut? I needed to begin getting out of a rut and he passed along this e-book to me for free. So now I am showing you how to move on in life. Yes, I am providing this life […]
Improve your Life in an Instant by your Power of Choice
Let’s discuss how to improve your life in this very instant right now through personal transformation ideas and self-improvement tips. For numerous people all over the globe, getting up every day implies going to work, and coming home tired enough to fall into bed and to do it all over again the next day. YUK! […]
Getting Along with Others with Flexible Thinking to Improve Communication Skills
Why should you trouble to spend your valuable time learning ways for getting along with others and improve communication skills? Today I will discuss why being open-minded to flexible thinking will help. Look at individuals who seem to have it all – an excellent career, an active social life and a happy family life. Exactly […]
Your Higher-Self and Self-Awareness Realized for a Better Life
Are we simply a body with a personality? From my understanding, your higher-self is much more than that. Every one of us has a higher consciousness, some tap into it and others do not. In this brief article I wish to simply ramble a bit about the meaning of meeting your higher self, or learning […]
Self-Esteem Exercises Practiced by Enlightenment Thinkers
An etheric body, likewise called the aura, surrounds every person, and is great to understand for self-esteem exercises. This energy field of spiritual enlightenment is believed to be made up of your emanations, your vital divine imagination. It’s what Eastern religious and spiritual beliefs call Prana, the Chinese call Chi and the popular religious beliefs […]
Channeling Your Higher-Self by Tuning in to Spiritual Consciousness for a Better Life
Often we erroneously believe of channeling your higher self being only what special or holy individuals are able to do. It is typical to naturally channel the same thought process as your family and of those others whom you admire. It’s often the case that we carry with us the same thought pattern of a […]
How to Hear from God by Letting Go of Your Inner Critic
There are few individuals who accomplish how to hear from God, I mean real knowledge, an awareness that we all have, while in this world. Many are obscuring this awareness because the ego-based mind has a drive to believe more in the body than the whole and real conscious mind. The ego in us all […]
What do You Want to do With Your Life to Have a Sense of Self-Worth?
When you’re contemplating what do you want to do with your life, there is a widely known saying, “Ask and it will be given.” Young children often have this theory improved to a fine art. They keep asking till they get what they desire. This shows our inherent power of choice, faith and expectation. Going […]
Facing Adversity: Podcast on Feelings of Hopelessness and Despair Overcome
In concrete ego-based thinking it seems the harder the loss, the better the gain feels. I have seen over and over in my own life situations about facing adversity and dealing with feelings of hopelessness and despair, where adversities in life lead to physical or verbal violence, resulting in loss. In the Podcast below which has […]