For many people false happiness is their way of life. How often do we give that false smile when someone asks us how things are going, and fake being happy? The real inner You does not know of an artificial smile, but that’s okay. As humans we go through this type of wrong-minded ego-based way […]
Tag Archives: Course in Miracles
Life and Happiness with Passionate Happy Emotions for the Life you Want
The pursuit of a great life and happiness is one of the standard elements of human presence. We want to enjoy all we can and live the life we want. So why are so many individuals dissatisfied with life, then? Since they are missing out on any of actions for a better life and happiness, […]
Building Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence Tips for a Better Life
Building self-esteem truly can be a simple feat. It reflects our inner self-worth that we use to lead a happy life. The most essential place for building self-esteem, of course, is within you. We must keep our self-confidence in order to value ourselves as a worthy person in this world. When it is well balanced, […]
How to Get Success in Life while Finding Happiness
You are finding happiness when you are climbing, step-by-passionate-step toward how to get success in life. Your accomplishments manifest from clearly specified objectives and goals that you feel will enhance your spirit and inner-drive, and to accepting, ‘what is life for you,’ as in, within you. It means taking action from your spirit essence! For […]
Overcoming I Feel Hurt and Dealing with Emotional Pain
When people don’t grasp the notion of reflecting from within oneself for the life they truly want to live, and are trying to begin overcoming I feel hurt types of emotional upset, it can be difficult to move forward in life. Below is a video I posted at YouTube to help you more clearly begin […]
Being More Happy while Living Each Day to the Fullest
The secret to being more happy in life is both easy and complex. It has been hashed out for centuries, all the discussions of philosophy, psychology, speculation, and conversation through the ages about the significances and sources for living life fully. From Thomas Aquinas and further back to the Buddha and Jesus, and many others, […]
Is God Always with Us? Article and Podcast – Course in Miracles
Is God always with us is a question we’ve all contemplated, sometimes seriously analytical and other times a ripping a part type of thought, and at other times just simple passing by kind of reflective flowing thoughts. I have often had some self-dialogue going on where I’ll wager that, you, too, have had some inner conflict […]
Does Manifesting Really Work and Why Do I Keep Struggling in Life?
Without taking action on this universal intellect—or inner knowledge, you will continue to ask, does manifesting really work? You will keep questioning and pondering over and over, why do I keep struggling in life? Perhaps you continue to beat a dead horse in your approach and are disgusted. As you read on and contemplate this […]
What is the Meaning of Success and the Best Way to Be Happy?
What is the meaning of success is something many of us think about often, especially when we are really trying to seek the best way to be happy. Certainly everyone wants to feel success, touch it good, and come to know success. Most of these same people never really ask, within, to the heart of […]
How to Live a Happy Life – Goal Setting Tips as your Key to Success
How to live a happy life is nothing more than committing to your true free will and listening to your heart for doing success oriented activities. It is about experiencing as many, “In the Now” moments as possible. It’s what the Course in Miracles terms, the “holy instant.” The key to success in life and […]