If you’re reading this right now and are continually telling yourself that, I am broke and depressed, you’ve probably been broke before, or know somebody who is fighting with being broke. The pain and suffering of being in the state of, I am broke and depressed, is genuinely dreadful. But through reflection principles properly practiced […]
Tag Archives: Course in Miracles
Review of the Total Money Magnetism System – Is it for You or Not?
I was asked by many, so here’s my review of the Total Money Magnetism System, with my YouTube review video at the end of this article, that will tell you that it is jam-packed with rock solid advice to get the life you want today, if you’re serious. (Here’s access to the system) By the […]
How Can we be Happy and Content with Life?
How can we be happy and exactly what is it that we are so afraid of? Why won’t we release or let go of all this wanting more of things we do not really need? What I mean is, consider that a shark cannot rest, it cannot stop swimming or it will lose its way […]
Happiness Within to Create a Lovely Life Resembles a Ray of Sunshine
How can one create happiness? Is it a tough question? To some who think they can buy happiness it may be, however not to those of us who know happiness within is where it begins to reflect into your material world. Happiness within resembles a ray of sunshine which warms us and keeps us glowing. […]
Where to Find Happiness and How to Have Inner Peace
If you’re looking for where to find happiness and not succeeding, perhaps you’re looking in the wrong places. If you have not been able to begin finding inner peace and happiness in your life, it could be you’re not looking within yourself. Our level of happiness is based upon our ideas and our thoughts are […]
Finding Inner Peace and Happiness with Balance and Harmony in Life
Finding inner peace and happiness is important, balance and harmony in life even in our careers. But what does having a happy life truly mean? Is our definition for how to achieve happiness real and correct? How and where to find happiness can be misleading? As humans we emphasize the idea of sacrifice, pain, and […]
Things to do to Save a Relationship when Love is Lost
What are the things to do to save a relationship when love is falling apart? Relationships usually start off full of fun, bliss and enjoyment, and there is no much better feeling than that ‘brand-new relationship’ feeling. Due to the fact that it acknowledges a sign of maturity in a relationship and that new feeling […]
Power in Relationships must be balanced for Finding True Love
Even in the most successful relationships there is a balance of power in relationships. If one person has virtually all the power that creates an unhealthy dynamic, relationship healing will be necessary or the love relationship will begin fading away to its bitter end. If a couple can learn a reflective state of mind, holiness, […]
Receiving the Holy Spirit – Course in Miracles – A Metaphysical Look
Why is it some people take action on their lives and others do not? Even as you read my words and search within yourself for a memory of such an awe as receiving the Holy Spirit, where are you? He, is, how you get the life you want! Please note that this is a recap […]
Living the Life I Want Achieved through Inner Vision and Self-Forgiveness
You can start telling yourself, I am living the life I want, by forgiving yourself right now as you read this article. Forgiveness of what, you may ask? By reflecting your inner Light–the value of Who and What you are into this world, so you may get the life you want, without guilt and fear. […]