To visualize a better life, and ways to do so, or what brings you release from inner turmoil has been used by world icons to long ago. I mean, all the way back, moving on in the mind has actually seeing light today. Also, I must add that I hope while you’re reading this article […]
Author Archives: James Nussbaumer
Broken Relationship Advice for Couples who are Ready and Willing to Heal
Broken relationship advice with couples counselling has been proven a successful option to help heal the heart. In my book of the series I do expand quite a bit on the reality behind relationships. Likewise, what it means to see them as holy versus unholy. I’ve been told that the message of the holy relationship my […]
Letting Go of Pain from the Past and Moving On by Understanding your Memory
I want to keep this article brief so that you may easily absorb why letting go of pain might be too difficult for you. Your memory is not what you think it is. Sure, and is why the idea of how to let go and move on is easier said than done. Keep in mind […]
I Keep Making the Same Mistakes Corrected by the Healing Power Within
I want to address there is something deeper when we scold ourselves over, “Oh no, I keep making the same mistakes over again”. Let’s consider that there is a covert factor that is blocking or at best obscuring the light of emotional healing. I’m saying, and I’m sure you will agree, that emotional situations do keep […]
Not Reaching Success Quick Enough? It Might Mean Stop Feeling Guilty
If you feel like you’re not reaching success quick enough, then consider this message. Or let’s say, you’re not getting the type of success you picture, and might be due to guilt and anxiety. Yes, I mean, dealing with guilt and shame because of what the world demands of you is one thing. Just as well, if […]
Advice on Love and Relationships when You Need Healing Help Now
If you truly from you heart are seeking advice on love and relationships it happens through real communication. Do you feel you and your love partner may breakthrough and save each other? I mean to ask, being free of conflict, and simply true love? That’s why as you take in this article for its value to […]
Is Life a Dream Keeping us Dealing With Feelings of Guilt and Depression?
It is frequently thought deeply by truth seekers everywhere about the idea of is life a dream; and if so, is it our release from guilt and depression? Let’s look deeper here in this metaphysical article about coping with guilt as part of the dream your life is living. I mean so that you can rather […]
Moving on by Letting Go by the Power of Attraction to Remove Limiting Beliefs
Why understanding the power of attraction is so helpful when you want to begin moving on by letting go of what holds you back in life. In the first half of this article I want to discuss that whatever you do or the career or business you are running, you might want to consider the […]
The World You Want is Yours in an Instant by ‘Being’ the Change You Wish to See
When you go within to create the world you want an internal wave begins to take you where you need to be. Yes, the actual personal transformation, change, or manifesting the life you want is where miracles happen. Likewise, every bit of this “live the life you want” dialogue is excellent advice. Sure, for riding […]
The Purpose of Living is in Unlocking Your Passion for A Great Life Lived
What’s the purpose of living and your mission in life is brought forth when you release the past. If you’re like much of the world often you will endure periods of pondering over many personal doubts. Much of the time we humans struggle with how to discover my purpose in life and live with passion. […]