Feeling Complete through the Truth in Self Forgiveness

No doubt feeling complete has to do with aligning to the truth within you. I’m sure you’ve had some times when you’ve felt like your normal thirst for life is drying up. Self forgiveness in it’s truest meaning is where your miraculous powers exist. Self forgiveness is something that may be difficult to do, even though […]

Depression and Self Harm-Letting go and Shifting Forward

Depression and self harm is a matter no one knows better than, myself.  But we have the power within us to overcome depression or mental fatigue, or what have you. Yes, we all can choose to undo these ill feelings that are holding us back from our full potential. I was on the receiving end […]

Reinventing your Life through Quiet Power of Mind

Is reinventing your life something nagging you in the back of your mind? Perhaps feeling like starting over and building from scratch? If so, you’re not alone in this boat, and there are so many individuals everywhere who wish and ask: “how can I change my life?” Why do I keep struggling in life, is something many of us […]

Making Choices and Life Decisions even while in the Void

Making choices is sometimes life decisions while in the void of life in this world.  Perhaps we don’t achieve our original goal, but what ends up happening surprises us and we find ourselves just crushing it! Even while dealing with grief. Just as you are aware in the back of your mind of the speed […]

Spiritual Awakening as Energy Healing for Life of Purpose

Spiritual awakening answers the aged old question, “What is the point of life.” Sometimes there’s a lot of energy healing to it, which is enlightenment to what many people call a kundalini spiritual awakening. Sometimes, a spiritual awakening is an inner knowing, a clarity, if you will, for life of purpose about something or some […]

How to Let Go of Feeling Trapped in Life

Feeling trapped in life can be nauseating and difficult when it comes to how to be peaceful. We get that tug at us saying that there’s something else I should be doing, or that I don’t belong here, in this place, in this career or job, in this relationship, or whatever it might be. We […]

Stress and Anxiety–the Natural Method for Healing

Stress and anxiety remedies through the Holy Spirit’s natural learning method helps you let go of the ego-based fear of being your natural self.  Think about when you decide not to go along with the crowd on a particular issue, or a decision needing to be made, because something burning inside you is telling you […]

Inner Freedom is always Yours-A Course in Miracles

Inner freedom I know now is always with me—thanks to A Course in Miracles. How to gain spiritual power is nothing you can achieve, but it is something you can uncover within yourself. It is not in our free will to be imprisoned, and of course I can literally vouch for that.  Our true free […]

Choices in Life and Avoiding the Same Mistake Again and Again

Leave it to the ego-based mind to help you make choices in life and the same mistake again, and always have you questioning something, especially when the truth is plain to see.  Who would know what your true reality is?  The ego thinks it knows how to help you make choices in life, but still […]