The Course of Miracles: How to Experience Spiritual Healing by Spiritual Metaphysics

What is The Course of Miracles, many have asked? Actually, its correct title is,  A Course in Miracles (ACIM), and it is intense self-psychotherapy, spiritual metaphysics for healing.

It is filled with spiritual healing prayers—which are lessons for healing and principles of spiritual metaphysics.

In a set of previous articles which I’ve linked together here, and as well, here, too, I told the story of the woman from Croatia, Nakita, who mysteriously found my address, began writing to me while I was in prison over a foolish securities violation.

And more on that here…and more here, too. And on the tragic loss of her husband, more here. And this one takes us near where it all started!

The violation was a regretful event I’d got caught up in while in my practice as a financial adviser that ended my 25 year career. And my remorse continues to this day.

I was sentenced to 10 years and released after 8 hellish years in an Ohio prison, where my first 3 books were written, by hand, in composition journals, since there were no computer resources.

And from prison is where I secured a mainstream publisher for my books, and are on display here.

So What Is Spiritual Metaphysics?

It’s surely about the power within us, but let’s open your mind some more.

On a particular day when I once again needed to have mail, spiritual healing we may say, a letter indeed showed up for me, postmarked from Boston. 

It was from Nakita. 

This was my sixth enlightening letter from her so far, this time written while on her business trip across the Atlantic Ocean. 

I sensed she wrote me these letters with the full intention of keeping me positive and focused—though the more “newsy” sections of her letters were always quite humorous and fun-loving. 

In this letter, due to our language differences and some personal issues she’d told me about her involvement in spiritual therapy with The Course of Miracles (as she called it), I’ve done some editing.

Dearest Jim,

 I want you to know there is a garden of minds extending its thought through Christ, and on to you, and the garden feels the glimmerings of love and hope that you hold. 

Your release from prison will be soon, I am certain.  I also have been seeing much about prison reform on the news for Ohio.  Many are behind you, so please hang in there, for us. 

I am including a gift of words, which I hope will help you at times of despair and anxiety and fear.  They are my words I share with you, so now this means they are your words too, Jim. 

Here are our words, Jim, I’d pulled them from The Course of Miracles:

  • I desire this holy instant for myself, that I may share it with my brother, who I love with God.  It is not possible that I can have this holy instant without you, or you without me.
  • Yet it is wholly possible for you to share it with me whenever you would like.  And so I now choose this instant as the one to offer to the Holy Spirit, that His blessing unites us and keeps us both in peace.
  • I so much look forward to hearing from you whenever you would like . . .

Truthfully in peace, with you, Jim,


(End of her letter)

Remember, I’d never known this woman before, and finally, but with minimal details, Nakita answered my question as to how she ever came to find me. 

Spiritual Therapy Certainly is Healing

She explained that about six months before, on her first trip to Boston to meet with an international law firm, she stopped on her way to visit New York City. 

She had always wanted to see more of the city.

Over her five-day visit in New York, Nakita wanted to attend Sunday services in a neighborhood Catholic church. 

She asked a casual passerby while visiting Staten Island, and this nice man directed her to St. George’s Parish.

During the mass she noticed a prayer list in the holder on the back of the pew in front of her. 

The list had names of people with different situations of suffering, like illnesses and other hardships, and “me” as a prisoner. 

Yes, my name was on this prayer list in a church in Staten Island, and, of all things, that’s where I was born!

My father was stationed there in the U.S. Coast Guard, and my parents with me left for Ohio when I was three months old.

While reading this from the volatile and often violent din of the cell block, I did a double take in disbelief and actually commented aloud, “Aww, come on!  No way!” 

I then proceeded to read further. 

And then looked away and said, “Holy Christ, what is this?” 

But she, Nakita, my friend, showed me her honesty in this.

Spiritual Healing Offers so Much

While Nakita was looking at the prayer list, a couple sitting next to her realized she was an unfamiliar presence at the church. 

The woman, who was seated next to Nakita, quietly pointed to my name on the list and whispered that her husband had been writing letters to me. 

The husband looked over to Nakita and smiled to concur. 

Interested, Nakita asked the couple to tell her more about me outside the church after mass. 

The two conversed with Nakita while escorting her to the parking spaces, then stopped at the couple’s car. 

The husband retrieved his briefcase from the backseat of the car, where he had stored a copy of a recent letter from me to him, and he also had a copy of The Course of Miracles

He neatly ripped off my return address and gave it to Nakita.

The husband, Joel, the world-class cello player I also wrote about earlier, made a slight reference to my interest in The Course of Miracles, for whatever reason, during their conversation about why I was in prison. 

Of course “slight” is all he knew; I had never expanded on the matter to Joel.

Spiritual Healing Prayers Help Things Unfold

But whatever it was I had briefly mentioned must have stuck like glue in his mind. 

I do remember closing a letter to him with a brief quote from the Course.  That’s all. 

I didn’t want to push The Course of Miracles (ACIM) on him.  My intention was only to pass along a healthy, healing quote. 

Now I could see it all unfolding. 

I have always been a strong believer in mindfulness meditation exercises and I was learning more and more, naturally, about wholeness and how it finds us.

Let me add that Joel is a principal cellist—of twelve cellists—for a large symphony orchestra.  In performance, the cellists keep their focus on the principal and his movements. 

Joel, as the principal, is the one cellist who keeps his focus on the conductor.  This is how they stay in unison. 

I then read on in her letter about how the meeting in Boston had something to do with a World Center for Peace and Wellness on her property, which would educate and help the homeless, among other programs. 

A portion of her many acres in the hills, several miles outside of Split, Croatia, was destined to be a successful model for peace and forgiveness—and for fun, too, she added. 

She then asked if I enjoyed skiing or golf. (!) 

Nakita was limited and careful, it seemed, in her description of the plans, as if she didn’t want to “let the cat out of the bag” too soon. 

She did however, extend a warm and open invitation for me to visit someday, and she insisted that day would be soon. 

As I rested on my top bunk, flat on my back, I was in awe. 

Motionless, to say the least! 

Her loving message deeply touched me and was a soothing balm to my life under the oppression of prison.

This meeting of minds with her inspired me to dig even deeper into The Course of Miracles.

I felt a rush of energy that warmed me inside, as if I were blushing all over, and my eyes filled with tears. 

It was a sensation of belonging to something incredible, the highest grandeur ever. 

It was the same feeling I had on the night of the worldwide meditation, which is also told in previous articles linked together

It was not only good, but of grandeur, and I knew it. 

A “holy relationship”, as The Course of Miracles terms it, was being brought forward in my mind. 

Here’s how to more clearly have an understanding of the Holy Spirit—another way of looking at the world and the power of healing:

To your own self-healing,

James Nussbaumer

PS:  I invite you to sign up for the EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter where we (you the reader, and I, the author) bring our mind together for self-success and a better world.

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I hope you enjoy and benefit from the video version of this article!

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