An Illusion of Abundance Meaning and Fear of Losing Something

Are you up against a whirlwind of an illusion and a confusion over reality, or are you awakened to the Illumination we all share? Consider people when they are in their thirties, they worry about losing their looks. In their fifties, they worry about losing their capacities, and a little less concerned about their looks. By […]

When Angry Mad and Living in Fear Turn to Right-Mindedness

What is it that can cause you to be angry mad and living in fear except for something temporary, like a projection? Likewise, how can anything temporary be real if God’s Creation is eternal? You are this creation, but as long as you dream of separation your mind carries with it a permanent aspect the […]

Mental Peace and Inner Freedom a Great Longing of the World.

Come on here friends isn’t mental peace and inner freedom a great concern in our lives today? What about our feelings of the tendency to fear of loss? Should we not be more passionate about the power of peace within? We live in a hectic world where cash and power are typically at the forefront […]

Body Tension and Stress Easily Managed in a Mindful Manner

Let’s dive into effective tips to help manage everyday body tension. Tension, stress, anxiety may will manifest when we rollover yesterday’s issues into our present-day concerns. A build-up will almost always wind up in a high-tension level. We should be able to “discard” all of our concerns from the previous day or days and concentrate […]

Shift of Consciousness to Finally Realize your Truest Passion

Forget dreams … create a shift of consciousness and have visions! Do you still keep that all important ‘Inner Spark Alive’? … even many years later from college, or your business, your golf game or whatever path your life has been down? To me a few actions lead to ‘real passionate advancement here’. Our success […]

Begin Advancing Your Dreams and Goals: Article Trailer

Maybe succeeding in life has been difficult for you and you can’t see how to manifest your destiny and bring forth your life dream…or simply need inspired to move forward in life! Let’s Begin Advancing Your Dreams and Goals to A Reality You Can Call Your Own!… When you can specify success you will naturally […]

Finding Broken Relationship Healing is Easy: Article Trailer

When a couple is contemplating over the notion, can a relationship be saved, and healing indeed does occur to revive the relationship, this is a wonderful experience. When a Love Relationship first begins the happiness that you both are feeling deep within you may seem like you can’t ask for anything more. But there may […]

The Miracle is an Expression of Awakening: Article Trailer

Miracles arise from a miraculous state of mind, or a state of miracle-readiness. The miracle is an expression of awakening with an inner awareness of Christ Consciousness and the acceptance of your True Reality. See and learn more here: Here’s how power thoughts may pass to various other minds. Sure, as a result those individuals […]

Power of What We Believe; Voice for Freedom to Manifest Destiny

Does our consciousness with added thoughts give us power of what we believe? Just recently I’ve been asked to be a guest professional to discuss manifestation in alignment with consciousness and, in particular, how what we believe develops the life we experience – our reality and results. It struck me that I’ve discussed this concept […]

Conquering your Fear to Empower Yourself by Spiritual Insight

Which way do you decide to turn when up against conquering your fear of whatever sort that might be? Certainly, there are Easy Ways to Overcome Worry, Stress, Fear, Depression and the like. Fear can be either a fantastic incentive, or an intense roadblock. Since we often establish our own restrictions, these roadblocks can actually […]