The Love and Hate Relationship: A Same Old Play of Thoughts 

The love and hate relationship right here for you to see!  Here’s a fun story I’ve told before early on in my book series about conscious steps for understanding a love/hate relationship. You know that wonderful feeling we have toward each other in the beginning. OH yes, but then in due time we get caught […]

Control Pressure in Your Life with Mindfulness Meditation

Let’s control pressure in your life with mindfulness meditation to positively heal all that stress in your life. It is best to discover ways to develop your capability to focus when you are browsing for ideas to manage your pressure and no longer be stressed out. When the mind is focused, it has the power […]

What Hinders Us from Accomplishing Success but our Thoughts?

Today let’s look more deeply at why and what hinders us from accomplishing success? I mean perhaps such as particular developmental skills in personal and interpersonal connections or self-awareness. What are developmental abilities? Developmental skills are a whole structure of human qualities that comprise our personality, habits, routines, believed procedures and so forth. By understanding […]

Conscious Steps where Thoughts Illuminate Your Innermost Core

Let’s consider conscious steps from one individual to another, which one of them is thinking real? Are they thinking from a reflection of their true light or do thoughts arrive from a projection—dreaming types of thought? Ask yourself this easy question, and you need not have to share your answer with anyone. How often do […]

Angry Conflict: Was it the Garden of Eden and Bitten Apple?

It should be easy to understand that when angry conflict is born this anger scenario leads to attack. Even the thoughts of condemnation types of judgment are attacks. Thoughts are either real or unreal. Here’s why: A thought will either project an image or it will extend by reflection of the light of truth. Everything […]

Overtaken by Guilt Limits Relationships to Strengthen and Flourish

If you feel overtaken by guilt and fear how then may you strengthen and flourish? When we consider the ancient teachings concerning the body, only certain fragments have been preserved, such as Jesus’s statement that “your whole body will be filled with light.” Other fragments have only served as myths, such as the belief that […]

Peaceful State of Mind with Encouragement and Inspiration

Whenever I finish a writing project of the magnitude of my books and articles, I feel a peaceful state of mind. Yet, I also feel a sense of sadness—and surely that was the case in many other projects before this one that you now enjoy. But this is also why I’ve committed myself to my […]

Christ Consciousness Waits for You and Comes to the Rescue

I found that real Christ Consciousness comes to the rescue when we become overwhelmed by events that we only think shake who we are to the core. Hemingway wrote, “The worst death is the loss of what formed one’s center.” We only seem to lose what formed our centers. This seeming loss of one’s reality […]