Law of Giving is what Creates Abundance and Well-being in our Lives

The power of the universe works by the incredible law of giving and receiving, as two aspects of the same thought. It’s this flow of universal power that creates abundance and well-being in our lives. It’s in our willingness to extend love so we may attract it, which keeps peace and happiness in the world. […]

Forgiving Oneself So You May Move On in Life

Forgiving oneself is a letting go process. Self-forgiveness may take longer than a day or two and the time frame will vary for everyone. But regardless of how long, it keeps you on the path of hope. Many of us continue to harbor the past and the mistakes made for far too long after a […]

Connecting With Others-A Pillar for Vibrant Health and Well-Being

The biggest rewards and lessons in life, along with opportunities, certainly are in connecting with others. There are times we feel things are moving along nicely and we’re having success in life until overcoming adversity hits us in the face. A certain link with people helps heal. Great relationships are not special, rather connecting with […]

A True Calling Answers to Healing Daily Problems in Life

You are always being divinely directed, a true calling, for ways to reach your full potential and be all that you can be. But sometimes if we’re not listening to that true calling daily problems in life can seem to snowball, as once was the case for me. But how can you tell when you’re […]